
USA Today Editorial Board: Donald Trump Unfit For Presidency

September 30, 2016
H11 trump no endorse

In news from the campaign trail, the editorial board of USA Today has declared Republican nominee Donald Trump unfit for the presidency. It’s the first time in its history that the country’s highest-circulation newspaper has taken sides in a presidential race. This is USA Today editorial page editor Bill Sternberg.

Bill Sternberg: "The unanimous consensus of the board is that he lacks the temperament, the knowledge, maturity, steadiness, that America needs in its president."

The USA Today editorial board wrote of Trump, "He is erratic. ... He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. ... He traffics in prejudice. ... His business career is checkered. ... He isn’t leveling with the American people. ... He speaks recklessly. ... He has coarsened the national dialogue. ... He is a serial liar." USA Today has not endorsed Hillary Clinton or any other candidate.

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