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WATCH LIVE: Tune in starting 8PM ET/5PM PT for special debate night coverage. We’re expanding the debate and giving third party candidates a chance to respond – Jill Stein will join us live starting at 9PM ET. 

Amy Goodman will also host a pre-debate roundtable with The Intercept’s Lee Fang, Melina Abdullah of Black Lives Matter - Los Angeles, Rashid Khalidi and Columbia Law School professor Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Gyasi Ross, and Soraya Chemaly. Don’t miss it! Live stream here: democracynow.org/debate

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Democracy Now!’s special broadcast will begin at 8 p.m. ET with a one-hour roundtable. We will air the full debate between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and give third-party candidates a chance to respond in real time to the same questions. Jill Stein of the Green Party has agreed to participate in our Expanding the Debate special. We have also invited Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.  

expanding the debate hillary clinton donald trump jill stein election 2016 gary johnson presidential debate amy goodman Democracy Now! third party independent media independent news
There were a lot of difficult things about bringing this story to the public on Sunday. From my perspective, the least difficult part of it was deciding that the legal threats from Mr. Trump were not worth losing a minute’s sleep over. I think the position that they’ve taken—and we have some of the best First Amendment lawyers in the business working for us—they think that he’s taken a position that is so outside the norm of the American legal tradition that we don’t feel like these kinds of threats are anything to sweat over.
New York Times investigative reporter David Barstow, lead author on a new article analyzing the front pages of Trump’s tax returns, sent to the paper by an anonymous source. A lawyer for Trump threatened The New York Times with prompt legal action. Watch the full interview: A Trump Presidency Could End Press Freedom, Say Reporters Threatened for Reporting on His Taxes.
donald trump tax returns new york times freedom of the press election 2016 first amendment taxes investigative journalism david barstow amy goodman democracy now democracy now! independent media independent news david cay johnston

We speak to Mario Murillo, longtime Colombian activist and author of “Colombia and the United States: War, Unrest, and Destabilization,” on the referendum results and what comes next for Colombia. See the full interview. 

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“I think it would be a great choice for our country to turn back on the road it’s on,” director Oliver Stone tells Democracy Now!. Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt adds, “The truth [is] that Snowden’s disclosures did not do any harm … There was … a responsible process to make sure that no harm would be done.”

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Democracy Now! brings you crucial reporting, like our coverage from the front lines of the Dakota Access pipeline protests or news about this unprecedented U.S. presidential election—and our coverage is never paid for by the oil and gas companies or...

Democracy Now! brings you crucial reporting, like our coverage from the front lines of the Dakota Access pipeline protests or news about this unprecedented U.S. presidential election—and our coverage is never paid for by the oil and gas companies or the campaigns and super PACs.

If you count on Democracy Now! for exclusive reports like our coverage from North Dakota, please join our monthly sustainer program and make a gift today of $8 a month or more.

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I voted against that resolution 15 years ago because it was so broad that I knew it was setting the stage and the foundation for perpetual war. And that is exactly what it has done. I actually asked the Library of Congress to conduct a study and to present to us the unclassified version of how many times and where it has been used. It’s been used over 37 times everywhere in the world. And it’s time that we repeal that blank check, Amy; otherwise, we’re going to continue in this state of endless war. And the American people, minimally, deserve their members of Congress to debate and to vote either up or down for a new authorization. Fifteen years is much too long to use as legal basis to wage war everywhere in the world.
Democratic Representative Barbara Lee on the Authorization for Use of Military Force, which was approved nearly unanimously three days after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Representative Lee cast the lone dissenting vote. Read the full interview: Rep. Barbara Lee: Repeal 9/11 Authorization for Use of Force to Cancel Blank Check for Endless War.
Barbara Lee Authorization for Use of Military Force war on terror 9/11 Iraq War Congress military aumf bi-partisan obama administration amy goodman Democracy Now! independent media news yemen somalia Afghanistan pakistan
I don’t understand how America does not understand how important water is. So we have no choice, we have to stand. No matter what happens, we have to stand, to save the water.
LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, Standing Rock Sioux Historian. Watch and read the full interview: Standing Rock Sioux Historian: Dakota Access Co. Attack Comes on Anniversary of Whitestone Massacre

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On Saturday in North Dakota, security guards working for the Dakota Access pipeline company attacked Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they resisted the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction. Democracy Now! was on the ground, and we bring you this exclusive report. Watch and read the coverage: Dakota Access Pipeline Co. Attacks Native Americans with Dogs & Pepper Spray

dakota access pipeline nodapl north dakota dog attacks protest indigenous rights native americans energy transfer partners pollution water rights construction
And most of the residents of [Rio], who live without even minimal services, watched billions and billions of dollars being spent on stadiums that won’t be used and buildings that will now be sold at great profit, while their minimal, meager social programs will now be cut by a government that was never elected.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald on life in Rio after the Olympics. Read the full interview: Greenwald: The Olympics May Be Over, But the Anger, Disillusionment Among Brazilians Remains High
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