rabble interview
Oct 12 2016 | by Meg Borthwick | Goldsmith is on one of the Women's Boats to Gaza. Her boat didn't make it out of Sicily, but they remained in contact with the Zaytouna-Oliva up until it was boarded and kidnapped.
Photo: Vancouver International Film Festival
rabble interview
Oct 11 2016 | by Alyse Kotyk | Obomsawin's documentry, featured at the Vancouver International Film Festival, highlights the lack of services for Indigenous children living on reserves.
The Zaytouna-Oliva. Image credit: Fotomovimiento/flickr
Oct 5 2016 | by Meg Borthwick | Women's Boat to Gaza lost contact with the Zaytouna-Oliva minutes before 4 p.m. local time. It is now understood that Israeli Occupation Forces have surrounded the boat in international waters.
Three women from the Women’s Boat to Gaza (L-R): Mairead Maguire, Renè Abu Joub
in their own words
Oct 5 2016 | by Ann Wright | It is Day Six on the Women's Boat to Gaza's thousand-mile journey from Sicily to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza. Sitting in the cockpit of our sailboat are 13 women from 13 countries.
Image: Flickr/Peoples' Social Forum (Ben Powless)
rabble interview
Sep 29 2016 | by Phillip Dwight Morgan | Despite nearly a decade of environmental deregulation under Stephen Harper and recurring boil-water advisories, many Canadians continue to believe that Canada is immune to water scarcity.
Photo: Andrée Lévesque
rabble news
Sep 27 2016 | by Andrée Lévesque | Activist Madeleine Parent has been honoured with a new park thanks to the determination of the citizens of a working-class district where, in 1943, she started her career as a union organizer.
Photo: flickr/Rumbo a Gaza
rabble interview
Sep 20 2016 | by Sophia Reuss | The Women's Boat to Gaza wants to bring a message of solidarity and hope to Gaza. And, most importantly, for the focus to be back on Gaza.
rabble news
Sep 19 2016 | by Alyse Kotyk | The now two-tier housing market in Vancouver has split the population into people who have a lot of money and the rest. Two rallies over the weekend demanded immediate action.
rabble news
Sep 19 2016 | by Megan Devlin | Organizers this year emphasized that simply bringing people together is a form of resistance.
Poster image: White Pine Pictures
rabble interview
Sep 16 2016 | by Phillip Dwight Morgan | What is the role of free press in protecting democracy? Phillip Dwight Morgan interviews Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh of Democracy Now! on the subject.
Photo: Sophia Reuss
rabble news
Sep 14 2016 | by Sophia Reuss | Yesterday, the National Day of Action against the North Dakota Access Pipeline saw thousands of people in support, including nearly 100 demonstrators in the Toronto solidarity action.
Photo: Mita Hans
rabble news
Sep 9 2016 | by Sophia Reuss | Indigenous youth and elders protested the Dakota Access Pipeline outside of the U.S. consulate in Toronto yesterday, emphasizing the importance of cross-border solidarity.
PMO Photo by Adam Scotti.
Sep 2 2016 | by Teuila Fuatai | So how's Trudeau doing on the labour file? Teuila Fuatai checked in and found four areas that were, let's just say, interesting.
Sep 2 2016 | by various | Ms. Shoufani's suspension from the DPCDSB on the basis of her support for Palestine is a dangerous infringement of her freedom of speech.
Photo: OFL Communications Department/flickr
rabble news
Aug 31 2016 | by Teuila Fuatai | The Canadian Union of Postal Workers and Canada Post have tentatively agreed to new working conditions for Canada's posties, announcing two separate agreements for CUPW's mail carriers.
rabble news
Aug 29 2016 | by Teuila Fuatai | The Canadian Union of Postal Workers extended its strike deadline at 11 p.m. last night as negotiations continue with Crown mediator William Kaplan.
Photo: Flickr / uniforcanada
rabble interview
Aug 28 2016 | by H.G. Watson | Unifor completed its second national convention since its founding in 2013. H.G. Watson caught up with President Jerry Dias to reflect on the past three years.
Photo: Solidarity with Ayotzinapa Vancouver
rabble news
Aug 25 2016 | by Sophia Reuss | Teachers in four Mexican states refused to head back to school on Monday as the teacher-led movement against the president ramps up.
Photo: Steph Wechsler
rabble news
Aug 25 2016 | by Steph Wechsler | On the one-month anniversary of police killing Abdirahman Abdi, a 37-year-old Somali-Canadian man, Black Lives Matter chapters rallied in seven cities across Canada.
Photo: flickr/Gekko93
Aug 24 2016 | by Hanna Anderson | Canada has started the process to legalize marijuana. But what will this entail, especially for people currently in jail or with records related to marijuana?
Photo: flickr/Nicolai Grut
rabble news
Aug 23 2016 | by Sophia Reuss | An estimated 250,000 people in Ontario do not have access to health care because of immigration status. And even those with status, still can't get the health care they need.
Photo: flickr/Laurel L. Russwurm
Aug 22 2016 | by rabble staff | May announced on Monday that she will remain leader of the Green Party despite ongoing disagreement over BDS resolution.
Photo: flickr/Don Sniegowski
rabble news
Aug 18 2016 | by Sophia Reuss | After refusing to meet with hunger-striking immigration detainees, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has announced a $138-million funding package for upgrading immigration detention centres.
Photo: flickr/Global Crop Diversity Trust
rabble interview
Aug 16 2016 | by Fernanda Sánchez Jaramillo | Colombian women are fighting to protect native seeds. Why? We spoke with three seed guardians about the importance of this work.
Photo: David Kattenburg
rabble interview
Aug 12 2016 | by David Kattenburg | David Kattenburg spoke with Green Party leader Elizabeth May at the World Social Forum this week about the new policy resolution supporting the BDS movement.
Photo: flickr/Jeremy Board
rabble news
Aug 11 2016 | by Alyse Kotyk | Secwepemc Women's Warrior Society and Ancestral Pride officially launched the Imperial No More Campaign against Imperial Metals, the mining company responsible for the 2014 Mount Polley disaster.
rabble interview
Aug 10 2016 | by Alyse Kotyk | Gregor Robertson's commitment to rezone a city-owned lot for social housing is a "little victory" says Jean Swanson. There's much more that needs to be done to address the reality of homelessness.
Image: Dave Molenhuis
rabble interview
Aug 5 2016 | by Sophia Reuss | Myth: Canada is a safe haven for marginalized people. Status: Busted. We spoke with people on the frontlines about why these myths are so harmful.
rabble news
Aug 5 2016 | by Lenée Son | "Today was about giving us a space. Taking space in the city at Pride time," Fatima Jaffer. A lot of people don't feel comfortable at Pride, so this alternative space was created.
Photo: flickr/Eric Constantineau
rabble series
Aug 4 2016 | by Sophia Reuss | Only 13 per cent of members elected in 2015 are from visible minority groups. Only 26 per cent of MPs are women.