work life

Paperboy of the 1990s - Juan Conatz

A brief indulgence in 1990s nostalgia by Juan Conatz, centering on his first job.

The Bronx slave market, 1950 - Marvel Cooke

Unemployed domestic workers seek employment, New York 1937

Fascinating series of reports and first person accounts of the markets in New York City where unemployed African-American women would be hired by white housewives to perform domestic tasks at extremely low wages.

Breaks - Scott Nappalos & Monica Kostas

A short account about breaks at work and life under capitalism.

Seeing past the luxury label part II: H&M in Hamburg, Germany and their suppliers in Delhi, India

Interesting look at the working conditions and workers' resistance in H&M warehouses in Germany and factories in India.

Lines of Work: Stories of Jobs and Resistance (review)

By Scott Nikolas Nappalos, ed. (Alberta, Canada: Black Cat Press, 2013). Review by Jared Davidson, first published in LHP Bulletin 64.

Withered aristocracy #2 - heavy construction and critical faculties

An attempt at an explanation for the long absence of the Withered Aristocracy blog.

New series of factory stories from China


Chinese worker activists have been documenting and analyzing the situation and struggles of factory workers in the Pearlriverdelta in South China over the past few years. Since 2012 they have been publishing reports the magazine "Factory Stories" (工厂龙门阵 gongchang longmenzhen).

What does a union mean to you? #1

An interview by New Syndicalist of a sex worker's experience in the industry.

At work # 1: 'I still can't sleep' - The Sleepless Teacher

At Work is a new irregular series recording experiences of the workplace, moments of self-reflection and other processes of self-enquiry within contemporary capitalism.

Any names referred to in the article have been changed to protect identities.

Reflecting on injury and stolen wages at work - Megan Kinch

An account by Megan Kinch about working in the non-union construction industry in Toronto.