Good Weekend

Modern Guru

Move along, folks

Danny Katz

The traffic light's turned green. The police van ahead isn't moving. Do I toot them?

Kicking up a stink

Danny Katz

My colleague sprays himself with deodorant at his desk. How do I tell him to do it in private?

G'day, now go away

Danny Katz

On my daily walk, I might pass the same stranger twice. Do I smile at them again?

Initial concerns

Danny Katz

A recent houseguest carved his name into a favourite tree. I can't ignore it. Any advice?

The gift of words

Danny Katz

I've often already read the books that friends give me as presents. Should I say anything?

Against the grain

Danny Katz

I lean to being vegan but broke a tooth eating Toblerone. Must I confess or can I blame quinoa?

BYO whine

<i> Illustration by Simon Letch </i>

What should I have said to an elegant woman who turned to me as we were waiting to board the bus and said, "I hate Jews"?

Pluck buddy

<i>Illustration: Tanya Cooper/</i>

My new boyfriend has a single thick, curly backhair that I'm itching to pluck. Please advise.

Modern Guru

If his hands are above yours, it's a microbial waterfall; if they're below yours, you're getting pathogenic splashback.

While I was washing my hands in the only basin in a small unisex bathroom in a cafe, something odd happened.

Applause for thought

Illustration: Simon Letch

We recently went to see a play and everyone got up for a standing ovation. We didn't think it was worthy of one.

Modern Guru: Sincerely painful

Illustration by Sam Bennett

Q: When checking out at the supermarket, I am routinely asked, "How's your day been so far?" or "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" My instinctive – but never spoken – reply is, "None of your business." Am I wrong to be riled by these perfunctory insincerities from total strangers?

Modern Guru

Danny Katz.

My cleaner insists on moving a couple of ornaments that she obviously feels

Modern guru

<i>Illustration: Sam Bennett</i>

I was walking through my office with my bag, when a condom fell out onto the floor.

Modern guru

<I>Illustration: Sam Bennett</i>

I am the mother of two active preschoolers, and while this is a very fulfilling role, every trip to the supermarket is stressful and tiring.

Modern Guru

<I>Illustration: Gustav Dejert/The Illustration Room</i>

My neighbour and his leaf blower are inseparable. I've often fantasised about leaving an anonymous note in his letterbox suggesting he buy a broom. Should I?

Modern guru

<i>Illustration by Sam Bennett</i>.

We recently rented a beach house with friends but their young son broke a few things. What do we do?

Modern guru

<i>Gustav Dejert/The Illustration Room</i>

The older Australian heterosexual male is one of the most pitifully sad creatures in the wider human community.

Modern guru

<i>Illustration: Simon Letch</i>

Snooping is always going to be no-win/no-win because, if you see something upsetting, you can never mention it to them.

Modern guru

<i>Illustration: Melissa Mackie</i>

Danny Katz solves your ethics and etiquette dilemmas.

Table tricks

<i>Illustration: Melissa Mackie</i>

When I asked her, "Could you pass the pepper?" she answered, "What's the magic word?"

Modern guru

<i>Gustav Dejert/The Illustration Room</i>

Danny Katz solves your ethics and etiquette dilemmas

Benjamin Law

Benjamin Law.

If you're raising the kind of kid who "just can't wait to grow up!" please let them know they're adorable but also deranged.

Modern guru

<i>Illustration: Sam Bennett</i>

For a classical symphony, low to medium applause is the accepted norm.

Modern guru

<i>Illustration by Sam Bennett</i>

We went to school with gluten snacks and hands slathered in peanut butter for extra grip on the monkey bars.

Modern guru

<i>Tanya Cooper/The Illustration Room</i>

The only way couples can avoid looking smug to an uncoupled person is to treat each other horribly.

Modern guru

<i>Tanya Cooper/The Illustration Room</i>

Scrapers are the best, diggers are idiots, and this also applies to anyone using Philly, Vegemite, peanut butter and, if we must, toilet paper.

Modern guru

<i>Gustav Dejert, The Illustration Room</i>

As the old adage goes: "What a chicken doesn't know it's eating won't hurt it."