Grattan Institute urges caution on renewable targets

Wind farms suffer from intermittent output and can serve to raise power prices.

A leading think-tank has lashed out at plans by the Victorian government to introduce an auction scheme for renewable energy, which could at the least complicate moves by the Federal government to rein in carbon emissions.

SA power prices set to soar

Electricity transmission lines under construction

It has the highest penetration of renewable energy in the country, yet power prices in South Australia are set to soar, if the futures market is right.

Origin, AGL to win from high energy prices, says Moody's

Power stations like Loy Yang could benefit from the low penetration of renewables in Victoria.

Rising wind power and gas exports from Queensland will work to keep both electricity and gas prices high, Moody's Investors Service has warned, with the big energy utilities Origin Energy and AGL likely to benefit with power prices to remain volatile.

Santos plunges to $US1.1b loss

The GLNG venture shipped its first cargo from Gladstone last year.

Santos has plunged to a net loss of $US1.1 billion for the first half, dragged down by a heavy write-down on its new liquefied natural gas project in Queensland that it flagged earlier this week.