SMEs wants their share of local defence spending

The ASC in Adelaide will handle much of the warship construction.
The ASC in Adelaide will handle much of the warship construction. David Mariuz
by Mark Abernethy

 Australia's defence acquisition cycle now consists of some very large items, including the future submarines, F-35A Joint Strike Fighters and the Hobart class Air Warfare Destroyers.

Other commitments include two C-17A Globemaster III aircraft, new-generation soldiers' body armour, special forces vehicles, P-8A Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft, MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft and new replenishment vessels for the navy.

The cost of these procurements is being partly met by a $9.9 billion uplift in the defence budget to 2019. But while the warships, subs and fighter jets are the physical manifestations of defence procurement, there is a huge amount of technology and industry that lies behind it, some of which is sourced from Australia.

The Commonwealth has committed itself to the involvement of Australian industry in defence and at present there are about 3000 small and medium-sized businesses in the Australian defence industry and about 25,000 people employed, according to the government's 2016 Defence Industry Policy Statement.

One of the undertakings of the policy statement was to form a Centre for Defence Industry Capability, which would connect industries, defence and innovators to find ways to export or market the resulting products. The $230 million CDIC is due to be established in Adelaide.

All of the "prime" defence contractors – those whom governments charge with full responsibility for a project – have Australian operations and there is also a solid foundation of local businesses taking part in the global supply chains. They include Quickstep Holdings, which makes composite materials for aircraft and has a supply contract for Lockheed Martin's C-130 wing flaps and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter; and Sentient Vision Systems, which supplies automated detection systems for the Australian, Canadian and US armed forces.

However, while Australian employees are sought after by the Australian-based primes, says Graeme Dunk, manager of the Australian Business Defence Industry, Australian-owned companies find it hard to be involved in defence projects in their own right.

"The Australian-based primes are big employers of our engineering and science graduates," says Dunk, whose organisation represents more than 300 Australian defence contractors. "But our own Australian companies are not strongly represented. Most of the Australian companies involved in the projects are small employers, and the defence companies that become larger are usually bought by the primes."

In an analysis of contracts for the Defence Materiel Organisation, from 1997 to 2015, Dunk found that just 5 per cent of the value of acquisition and sustainment contracts were going to Australian owned companies.

More confronting, the median contract size for these Australian defence companies was $43,000.

"You can conclude from my analysis that the Australian-owned end of the defence industry is transactional, as far as the department is concerned. The vast majority of defence work in Australia goes to overseas companies, most of it controlled by the primes."

The 5 per cent figure doesn't include ASC, says Dunk, because it's a government-owned enterprise. "ASC is essentially government transferring to itself," he says. "ASC contracts a lot of Australian companies but we can't see which ones – there's no visibility."

Dunk says the irony of the defence industry situation is the high quality of science, engineering and technical people from Australian institutions who work for the Australian-based primes, while the contracts themselves leave Australian business with little.

"There were 270,000 separate contracts in the defence industry in the past nine years," he says. "There are more contracts to Australian-owned companies than any other, but they're in things like doctors providing medical services to the department and provisions for bases."

Dunk's solution is to develop an indigenous defence industry by separating defence acquisitions and sustainment on the basis of strategic risk. Where projects are high strategic risk, government should look at developing a long-term framework of defence industry capacity and then buy-in the items that are not on the highest rung.

He says the reference in the 2016 defence industry white paper to "sovereign industry capabilities", was a step forward, but he says the defence industry – in conjunction with government – has to find a way to keep defence-related IP and technology in Australia, or at least available for Australian defence projects to exploit.

The continuous build approach to Australia's naval assets is positive from a jobs perspective but he says the crucial, high-level work on the submarines and Air Warfare Destroyers will be American and European.

"Australian companies will do the pipes, the valves and the wiring, and that's useful but it's not the high end. At the same time, the primes employ our smartest graduates, who are now doing the high-end work, but their employer is from another country."

One of the high-end engineering firms that is small and Australian owned is still working in the defence industry.

Acacia Research, a South Australian developer and maker of mission systems and data systems on subs and ships, punches above its weight. However, director Ted Huber says defence contracting is failing to attract local industry because departmental decision-makers find it easier to procure from overseas.

"There used to be government organisations that backed projects and funded R&D;," says Huber, whose background is both science and engineering. "Now it seems requirements are drawn up by looking at what the Americans have.

"Australian engineers are known for an extra bit of innovation and inventiveness, and if you're always buying from the Americans, you miss that benefit."

Acacia Research systems are on the Collins submarines, the company collaborates with Cobham on the coastal watch program, and the company of just 15 specialist engineers and scientists contracts to Lockheed Martin.

"We are held out as a high-level defence contractor," says Huber. "We do the interesting stuff. But we didn't work in Australia for four years."

Huber says the defence primes acquire smaller Australian companies with specialities, and then defence managers run out of options. A similar thing happened in IT, he says, with major computer companies buying up smaller players and limiting where Canberra's bureaucrats could source from.

Another problem is defence bureaucrats not wanting to trial independent Australian technology on naval assets, lest prime contractors threaten to withdraw support for their own technology.

"Some foreign firms don't want local system integrating with their systems," says Huber. "It becomes easier for a senior person in Canberra to buy what the Americans have, even if an Australian company could have provided a better solution."