

Kyle and Jackie reign supreme

Good morning ... It's Kyle and Jackie first and daylight second in the latest ratings.

Kyle Sandilands and Jackie (Jackie O) Henderson have left daylight between themselves and their FM breakfast rivals with a stellar showing in the first ratings period of the year.

Hamish and Andy losing grip

Hamish Blake and Andy Lee were mobbed by fans and media at the Melbourne Cup.

While radio ratings can be fickle - particularly with the first survey of a new year - the size of the audience slide for Fox in both the Drive and Breakfast slots is unusual.

Kyle responds to $20m rumours

Denial ... Kyle Sandilands and Jackie Henderson say there will be no move back to 2DayFM.

Kyle Sandilands has flatly ruled out returning to stuttering rival 2Day FM, amid reports Austereo is lining up a $20m bid to lure him and Jackie Henderson (Jackie O) back to their former home