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  Dec 24              I was hoping to have finished a couple post I have working, however, there has been too many distractions. I should have them finished by next week. For now, I want to say Feliz Navidad y un prospero año nuevo y que Dios le permita a todos el ir mejorandose cada día más. I also […]

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      An Oldie, But A Goodie: Santa Clause And His Old Lady   Put forth by XicanoPwr

  Dec 05           I have been noticing I have been getting a lot hits for this YouTube video, however, it seems video I linked to two years ago is no longer up. Back popular demand, here is Cheech and Chong’s Santa and his old lady skit. Cheech & Chong’s Santa Clause And His Old Lady

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      Feliz Navidad Para Todos!   Put forth by XicanoPwr

  Dec 22           Just wanted to say Feliz Navidad y un prospero año nuevo y que Dios le permita a todos el ir mejorandose cada día más. I wanted to take this time to thank you for making Para Justicia y Libertad a success. Without you reading this, this blog would be nothing. And since I’ve been watching […]

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      The Reality of Peace On Earth   Put forth by XicanoPwr

  Dec 20           What is on your Christmas list? In a recent ABC News poll in which they asked people, “If you could have your choice, what one present would you most like to have for Christmas?” the answers provided gives great insight to the American psyche. Forget peace and happiness because most Americans wanted either a car […]

   Posted in Human Rights, Immigration, Iraq, Propaganda, Violence, War, Xmas |  Tags: |  functional 2 Comments » 

      Santa Clause And His Old Lady   Put forth by XicanoPwr

  Dec 24           Cheech & Chong’s [tag]Santa Clause[/tag] And His Old Lady

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      ← Previous Entries        Justicia ⇒ “Because we have suffered, and we are not afraid to suffer in order to survive, we are ready to give up everything - even our lives - in our struggle for justice.” — César Chávez 

       XicanoPwr   Home  This is the blog of Edmundo "XicanoPwr" Rocha, a social worker, an activist, freelance writer and founder and editor of The Sanctuary. My interests include: immigration reform, critical race theory and it's interaction with equality/inequality and freedom/oppression as they relate to the experiences of people of color in the Americas. Para Justicia y Libertad is a Latino-centered political blog focusing on the humanistic perspective of politics, history, and society as they relate to the Latina/o community throughout Texas and the United States.  Contact me   New Posts:   Wendy Needs You Jehuniko: You Made A Man Out Of Me New Year’s Resolutions Down and Out In The Land of Opportunity: Hucksters Paradise A Re-Imagination of Copyright   Categories:  activism  Americas  Canada  Cuba  Mexico  Felipe Calderón  López Obrador  Mexican Election  Oaxaca  PAN  PRD  Vicente Fox    Paraguay  Venezuela  Hugo Chávez      borders  César Chávez  Civil Rights  affirmative action  Color-blind Society  legacy admission    Segregation    Colonization  Columbus Day  democracy  Democrats  Ann Richards  Ciro Rodriguez  Cynthia McKinney  DCCC  DNC  DSCC  Henry B. Gonzalez  Henry Cuellar  Hispanic Caucus  John Edwards    economy  El Nightwatchman  Elections  Election Fraud  Elections 2006  Elections 2008  Elections 2010    Eminem  energy  English Only  Englishnistas    Eugenics  Free Speech  Censorship    free trade  NAFTA    History/Historia  Aztlán  Cino de mayo  Juneteenth    Human Rights  War Crimes  International Criminal Court      Hurricane Season  Hutto Vigil  Immigration  Border Wall  Secure Border Initiative    Deportation  Dream Act  Green Card Draft  Immigration Debate  La Migra  Concentration Camp  ICE  Round-ups    The Weekly Undocument    Indigenous/Indígena  Investment Fraud  Iraq  LULAC  Media  blogosphere  Blog Round-Up  TPA      News/Noticias  Propaganda  La Reconquista fable  North American Union Conspiracy    PSA    Misc  Blogging  book tour  Film Reviews  Google  Blogger    New Beginnings  YouTube    Mobilization  May Day    Molly Ivins  Política Estados Unidos  Politics of Humanity  Prejudices  Classism  Eliminationism  Fear  homophobia  misogyny  Nativism  patriarchy  Racism  hate crimes    Xenophobia    Public Policy  Education  bilingualism  higher education  Tier 1      Health Care  Medicaid    Housing  net neutrality    Rage Against the Machine  Raza  Latino vote    Republican  Alberto Gonzales  George Bush  Impeachment    Gerald Ford  Henry Bonilla    social capital  social media  Somos Tejanos  Texas  Thanksgiving  The Press  The Sanctuary  UFW  Uncategorized  Unemployment  US Supreme Court  Violence  War  Military Draft  Non-Lethal Weapons    Ward Churchill  Xmas    internal links:  Log in     functional      Libertad ⇒ “Ignorance and obscurantism have never produced anything other than flocks of slaves for tyranny.” — (Emiliano Zapata's letter to Pancho Villa)

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