

Stuart Robert's latest disgrace adds to case for corruption law reform

The principle that positions of public office are positions of public trust is one of the cornerstones of parliamentary democracy and cannot be repeated too often. It means lawmakers have a duty to put the national interest above vested and personal interests. It means the tenets of public policy – transparency and accountability – need to be assiduously applied to political donations and political conduct.

These are unassailable notions. Eminently assailable, though, are the rules surrounding political donations and the consequent behaviour of politicians and those seeking, almost always out of self-interest, to influence legislation and regulation.

Stuart Robert should keep on walking - and not come back.
Stuart Robert should keep on walking - and not come back. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Fresh revelations about the behaviour of Queensland Coalition backbencher Stuart Robert should outrage all those who value probity. Mr Robert has truly poor form. He was sacked from the ministry by the Prime Minister earlier this year after the public became aware of the then human services minister's dubious use of his position of public trust to support a friend who was a Liberal Party donor and in whose company Mr Robert had a financial interest.

Now it has been shown Mr Robert delivered a speech in Parliament in support of a Queensland property developer – a firm called Sunland – that contained chunks written by the firm's lobbyist, a former member of Tony Abbott's staff, and that Sunland subsequently donated $25,000 to the Queensland Liberal National Party. Further, the lobbyist, Simone Holzapfel, gave more than $100,000 to the party and to Mr Robert's own fundraising outfit, the Fadden Forum, which in turn gave $30,000 each to two of Mr Robert's staff to cover costs of their local government candidacies.

Mr Robert's speech allegedly put at risk the life of an Australian citizen who was trapped in a nightmarish legal dispute over Sunland's involvement in Middle East property developments. Marcus Lee, who was facing criminal charges in Dubai at the time, has told Fairfax Media Mr Robert never bothered to check the facts, or consider the risks. After a five year struggle, Mr Lee was exonerated.

The whole situation reeks. Yet Mr Robert claims any suggestion his support of the Gold Coast company was linked to its largesse is "incorrect and scurrilous". Really? He also argues he recited the lobbyist's words in his speech in order to be "precise" with his language. Really? That is risible. His links to Sunland are under investigation as part of a Queensland corruption inquiry into the Gold Coast local elections in March.

The federal opposition is rightly calling for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to again sack Mr Robert, this time from a committee chairmanship that adds more than $30,000 to his $200,000 base salary. The Age believes Mr Robert has so betrayed public trust that he should have the honour and decency to resign from Parliament.

Labor, though, should be careful, for it is far from clean. The recent scandal over NSW Labor senator Sam Dastyari's shameful support for Chinese positions after receiving direct payments from Chinese business interests was yet another example of why the laws covering political donations must be urgently reformed, as we have long argued. Senator Dastyari did lose his place on the frontbench, not because his leader did the honourable thing and sacked him, but only when the senator's position became untenable after he pathetically tried to publicly justify his egregious behaviour.

Mr Robert and Senator Dastyari are disgraceful. Worse, their behaviour might well be within the rules. What they did ought to be unambiguously illegal. Reform must include real-time online public disclosure of donations and caps on donations.

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