Committee review: Amusing conceit wears thin

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This was published 8 years ago

Committee review: Amusing conceit wears thin

By Tim Richards

La Mama, Carlton
Until September 25

What if the great playwrights of history had to submit their work for review by committee? That's the conceit here, as young playwright Daniel (Joshua Monaghan) is interviewed by theatre company functionaries.

Committee is on at La Mama as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival.

Committee is on at La Mama as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival.

The process wades into a swamp of impenetrable corporate-government-speak, with its esoteric, measurable benchmarks. Then, gradually, we realise his work strongly resembles a Shakespeare tragedy.

Was Hamlet "a play about crisis management" and Gertrude "an excellent transitions manager"? Does its prince boil down to "a man in an enhanced synergy crisis"? There are bucket loads of this gobbledygook, until the committee itself becomes infected by elements of the play – seeing ghosts, for a start.

Though the actors are capable and the underlying premise amusing, we quickly get the joke and the show becomes an overlong plod through jargon. But there is probably a specialised audience that would appreciate every excruciating buzzword: frustrated writers who've been through the funding process.

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