
Adele's Angelina and Brad dedication marks 'end of an era'

It ain't over til the English lady sings. And now she has.

If the world was looking for the best way to mark the passing of the most famous romance since the last Geoffrey Edelsten connubial contract – and lord knows we were – then Adele has given it to us.

Adele dedicated her show's "two hours of misery" to the end of the romance between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Adele dedicated her show's "two hours of misery" to the end of the romance between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Photo: Getty Images

At a concert in New York on the day the staggering, no, heart-rending, news that one A. Jolie and one B. Pitt were no longer in blissful matrimony, Adele dedicated her show to the couple whose faces launched a thousand tabloid covers.

Note, that is the whole concert. "Two hours of misery," as she put it.

She did not dedicate Send My Love (To Your New Lover) for that would have been, shall we say, provocative. She did not dedicate Hello, with its tale of lovers failing to reconnect after years of separation, for that would have been a bit previous.

She certainly did not dedicate Take It All, with lines such as "but go on and take it, take it all with you, don't look back at this crumbling fool", for that, the lawyers no doubt would explain, would have been fiscally foolish. And there was no focus on Turning Tables, which begins "Close enough to start a war/All that I have is on the floor/God only knows what we're fighting for/All that I say, you always say more", for that would have been maybe a bit too close to the bone.


No, it was the whole shebang.

"I don't like gossiping, and private lives should be private, but I feel like it's the end of an era, so I'm dedicating this show tonight to them," Adele said onstage. "I'm really, really sad, genuinely. I don't know them at all but I was shocked when I woke up this morning, no word of a lie."

There's another round of think pieces in this, surely.