
I Am Not a Serial Killer review: Menacing thriller with the right ingredients

Christopher Lloyd and Max Records in <i>I Am Not a Serial Killer</i>.
Christopher Lloyd and Max Records in I Am Not a Serial KillerPhoto: Nick Ryan


Popular culture regularly plays the game of encouraging us to identify with amoral or mentally ill protagonists, testing how far our sympathies can be stretched. That's the path taken by I Am Not a Serial Killer, an intriguing if not groundbreaking independent production made in the US by the Irish director Billy O'Brien, adapting a 2009 novel by Dan Wells.

Cinematographer Robbie Ryan helps build atmosphere.
Cinematographer Robbie Ryan helps build atmosphere. Photo: Nick Ryan

Our anti-hero is the nudgingly named John Wayne Cleaver, played by Max Records – the former child star of Where the Wild Things Are, now grown into a convincingly sullen teenager. Diagnosed as a sociopath, John is obsessed with serial killers, fearing he might develop into one himself.

When evidence surfaces that a real killer is operating in his town, John launches an investigation of his own. One obvious suspect is his creepy neighbour Mr Crowley, played very effectively by Christopher Lloyd, whose rasp and shambling movements establish him as a figure of menace even from afar.


O'Brien is clearly working on a limited budget, but he does an impressive job of building atmosphere, aided by his cinematographer Robbie Ryan, who has worked with Andrea Arnold and Ken Loach.

Shooting on 16 millimetre film with a frequently handheld camera, the two of them follow a thoughtful visual plan, aligning us with John's perspective while making the most of the drab, wintry backdrop of smokestacks, icy roads and bare trees. Contrasted with this are touches of bright, saturated colour; at the funeral home run by John's family, close-ups dwell on the pink embalming fluid pumped into bodies while blood is drained out.

John Wayne Cleaver is not without decency.
John Wayne Cleaver is not without decency. Photo: Nick Ryan

By design, the mix of gravity and jokiness makes it hard to tell what kind of film we're watching: a morbid teen comedy, or a full-on horror movie, perhaps with an element of the supernatural? Likewise, there is some uncertainty about how we should feel about John, a potential monster who – for the moment – seems scarcely different from a stock adolescent misfit.

John may lack empathy but he's not without decency, abiding by rules that he has devised to keep himself from going off the rails. Even at his most alien, he's far more relatable than, say, the self-proclaimed vampire protagonist of George Romero's horror classic Martin, which O'Brien appears to treat as a partial model. By comparison with Romero's audacity, I Am Not a Serial Killer is comfort food – a stew of familiar ingredients, expertly prepared but meant to reassure rather than disturb.

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