In Passing

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This was published 8 years ago

In Passing


Isabelle Dinoire, the Frenchwoman who in 2005 received the world's first partial face transplant, has died. She was 49. The Amiens-Picardie University Hospital, where the transplant was performed, said Ms Dinoire died on April 22 but that it had withheld announcing the death at her family's request. The hospital, in northern France, suggested that the cause was related to longstanding complications from the operation. Ms Dinoire had suffered from infections and taken immunosuppressive drugs to keep her body from rejecting the foreign tissue.

Elisabeth Hardy, who has died aged 92, was part of the Bletchley Park team who decrypted Nazi communications during the Second World War. When she arrived at what staff called "the Park" – Bletchley Park in the Buckinghamshire countryside – she was assigned to Hut 3, one of several wooden huts in the gardens of the mansion house, where her job was to translate, interpret and distribute Nazi army and Luftwaffe messages deciphered by the Enigma machines in Hut 6. She was given a significant role focusing on radio traffic from the Luftwaffe – notably German bombers and reconnaissance aircraft – and passing the information on to British pilots.

Isabelle Dinoire, the woman who received the world's first partial face transplant in an operation in 2005

Isabelle Dinoire, the woman who received the world's first partial face transplant in an operation in 2005Credit: AP

The Lady Chablis, a transgender performer who became an unlikely celebrity as a figure in the 1994 bestseller Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and who acted in the 1997 film of the same name, died of pneumonia at a Savannah hospital. She was 59. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, author John Berendt's non-fiction account of life in Savannah, was a pop-culture phenomenon of the 1990s and featured Lady Chablis as a sassy, blunt-spoken character who exposed some of the city's dirty laundry. Lady Chablis insisted on playing herself in the 1997 movie directed by Clint Eastwood.

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