Good Weekend

Adult Education

Benjamin Law.

Surf's up

Asians and surfing didn't mix, I'd decided in year 12. But now I'm based in Sydney...

Public property

Benjamin Law.

Asking about real estate is often code for, "How do you survive here?"

A sorry situation

Benjamin Law

We can say, "Sorry, my house is a mess" – but can't apologise for stuff that matters.

Sew, so tricky

Benjamin Law

For most of my life, no clothes have fit me. It'd help if I knew how to do my own alterations.

Writing an obituary

Benjamin Law

Writing can be the pits, but it all pales in comparison to the sheer brutality of writing a tribute to a loved one.

We do democracy

It's easy to be cynical about Australian politics.

My dirty secret: I've got a massive crush on Australian democracy.

All trolled up

I’d marry the internet if I could, but I don’t want to give Cory Bernardi the satisfaction of knowing he was right all along.

We’re told: don’t feed the trolls. Never respond; just ignore. However, I have a tendency to fight back in unfair situations.

When no means no

From early on, freelancers train themselves to say "yes" to every job offered.

​Like a lot of my friends in the media and arts, I work on a "freelance" basis.