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Richard Baker

Richard Baker

Richard Baker

Richard Baker joined The Age investigative unit in 2005 after four years covering Victorian politics and before that, rural affairs. He soon broke major stories including exposing BHP Billiton's link to the AWB Iraqi kickbacks scandal and China's secret bid to buy uranium mines in Australia. Richard has a strong interest foreign affairs, business, law enforcement and defence.

You can tip off Richard by emailing him at Fairfax Media.

For many years, he has pursued government decision making processes at a state and national level using the Freedom of Information Act.

In 2008, he won the Melbourne Press Club's Gold Quill and an investigative quill for his work exposing the misconduct of one of Australia's leading surgeons. He also won several Rural Press Club of Victoria awards earlier in his career.

This year, his investigation into the private dealings of former defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon triggered his resignation from Kevin Rudd's cabinet.

Richard and colleague Nick McKenzie are finalists in this year's Walkley Awards for their investigation into former immigration minister Amanda Vanstone's overturning of a deportation order against a mafia-linked criminal.

HuffPost Australia

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