
Big toe replaces thumb after horror workplace accident

Dean Reid kissed his wife and kids goodbye and went to work in May last year, just like any other day.

But a workplace accident, in which both his hands were mangled in a roller, changed Mr Reid's life forever.

Dean Reid's big toe was attached to his hand to create a new thumb.
Dean Reid's big toe was attached to his hand to create a new thumb. Photo: Cameron Atfield

Many surgeries later, Mr Reid lost both ring fingers and now has his big toe where his right thumb once was, as surgeons attempted to restore at least some function to his hands.

"The very first day that I saw my toe on my hand was quite a spin-out, actually, but now I've started calling it my thumb," he said.

An X-ray of Dean Reid's mangled hand.
An X-ray of Dean Reid's mangled hand. Photo: Supplied

"I've finally got to the point where I recognise it as my thumb, but it is strange."

Mr Reid was a trainee line operator at a manufacturing company in May last year, when both his hands were crushed.


The accident is now subject to a Workplace Health and Safety investigation.

"It was extremely quick," Mr Reid said.

"One second, everything was normal and the next, my hands were getting sucked into the rollers.

"I could feel every bone break, every finger getting crushed and I couldn't get my hands out.

"It was terrifying."

The enormity of the damage hit home right away.

"I knew straight away how bad it was," Mr Reid said.

"There wasn't that much blood, but I could tell by my movement that there wasn't any movement there.

"Hearing every crunch, every grind, I knew my bones were pretty well screwed."

Mr Reid said the accident flipped his life "180 degrees".

"What I could do normally as a man, as a person, I couldn't do any more," he said.

"Simple things like I couldn't wipe my own butt, I couldn't get dressed, I couldn't make my own food.

"I relied on everybody."

Maurice Blackburn principal lawyer Michelle James, who was representing Mr Reid, said Australian businesses had an obligation to ensure staff were not injured at work.

"(Mr Reid) was operating a piece of machinery that flattened plastics through rollers," she said.

"The machine was fitted with a safety device that would automatically shut off the rollers if it was breached.

"We know this safety feature wasn't working for reasons which are unclear, but despite this Dean was required to use the machine and his hands have been crushed.

"This was a completely preventable injury that has had a catastrophic impact on Dean's life. Employers are responsible for providing a safe workplace, it's the law."

Ms James said her client's plight highlighted the importance of National Safe Work Month, which would start on Saturday.

"Already, 125 people have been killed at work this year, thousands more have been injured and the ripple effect on families and communities is devastating," she said.

"Australian employers must provide a safe workplace and what has happened to Dean is an important reminder of that."

Once Mr Reid's injuries were stable, Ms James said civil action against his employer would be pursued.

As he waited for some resolution, Mr Reid said he hoped his example would be heeded by others.

"I consider myself fairly strict on workplace health and safety issues and for this to happen to me is just proof it can happen to anybody within a split second," he said.

"If you don't think it's right, just don't do it. It's that easy."

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