Tribute to Murray Bookchin (2006)

Personal testimonials on the passing of Murray Bookchin

The following are a series of personal testimonials sent to the ISE in August 2006 marking the passing of Murray Bookchin. Contributors include Howard Zinn, Patrick Leahy, Mark Roseland, Gabriel Kolko, Peter Berg, and many others.

Murray Bookchin Tribute

Murray Bookchin, visionary social theorist, dies at 85 A tribute by Brian Tokar. Murray Bookchin, the visionary social theorist and activist, died during the early morning of Sunday, July 30th in his home in Burlington, Vermont. During a prolific career of writing, teaching and political activism that spanned half a century, Bookchin forged a new anti-authoritarian outlook rooted in ecology, dialectical philosophy and left libertarianism.

Murray Bookchin Obituary by Janet Biehl

Murray Bookchin (1921-2006) was a left-libertarian social theorist who, in the early 1960s, introduced the concept of ecology into radical politics.

The Murray Bookchin Reader: Introduction

In the aftermath of the cold war, in a world that glorifies markets and commodities, it sometimes seems difficult to remember that generations of people once fought to create a very different kind of world. To many, the aspirations of this grand tradition of socialism often seem archaic today, or utopian in the pejorative sense, the stuff of idle dreams; others, more dismissive, consider socialism to be an inherently coercive system, one that whose consignment to the past is well deserved.