Dan Chodorkoff

3rd annual European social ecology conference

Dan Chodorkoff reports:

I recently returned from Patras, Greece where I represented the ISE at the third annual conference of TRISE, the Transnational Institute for Social Ecology. The conference drew participants from 13 countries and four continents for four days of discussions around the theme “The Power to Destroy the Power to Create; the Legacy of Murray Bookchin.” The forty-odd people who gathered ranged from veteran social ecologists to those newly introduced to the ideas, and a weekend of fascinating discussion grew out of [...]

Dan Chodorkoff appeals to architects in Denmark (Video)

In September Dan Chodorkoff keynoted a conference on Education for Sustainability at the Aarhus School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark.  He was the only non-architect on the program. Here is a recording of his presentation, Sustainability, Education, and Utopia, accompanied, in part, by a slide show. Dan begins speaking around 8:20, and the slides begin at 42:45. (The camera appears to focus on the screen whether or not it is in use.)

Other presentations at the conference are available at http://vimeo.com/album/3099138. Starting [...]

New books from Dan Chodorkoff & Brian Tokar

From New Compass Press in Norway, a new collection of Dan Chodorkoff’s essays, The Anthropology of Utopia, plus a revised and expanded edition of Brian Tokar’s Toward Climate Justice.  Both available in September; review copies now available from New Compass:
Essays on Social Ecology and Community Development
By Dan Chodorkoff

How can we avert ecological catastrophe? How can we build community? What is the practical relevance of utopia? These are some of the questions anthropologist Dan Chodorkoff explores [...]

Dan Chodorkoff on the origins of the ISE

Video of Dan Chodorkoff discussing the origins of the ISE, focusing on early renewable energy experiments at Cate Farm in central Vermont.

Report from European social ecology meeting

Dan Chodorkoff reports from the recent European social ecology meeting in Greece:

TRISE, the Transnational Institute for Social Ecology held its second annual meeting in Marathon Greece from April 23-27th.    The organization is a primarily European effort to develop and disseminate the ideas of social ecology, with an emphasis on urban issues and the active transformation of cities.  There were folks from Sweden, Finland, Italy, Canada, the U.S. and Greece present.  I was there with my wife Betsy to represent the I.S.E. and to [...]

A Spanish village utopia

In two articles from The Guardian and New Compass, authors Dan Hancox and Lisa Roth describe how an impoverished village in southern Spain made a conscious choice to create a socialist utopia influenced by the rich anarchist history of the region. Hancox  has recently published a book that offers a more expansive analysis of this successful communalist experiment , The Village Against the World (published in October by Verso).  The Guardian story is excerpted from his first chapter, which is available, with photos, here:

From the Guardian article:

Education for Social Change

This essay by ISE co-founder and board chair  Dan Chodorkoff was originally presented in 1998 at the annual reunion of the famed Modern School, based in NY City and New Jersey and founded on the  principles of the Spanish anarchist educator Francisco Ferrer. It has been updated and will appear in a forthcoming collection of Dan’s essays, to be published in 2014 by New Compass Press in Norway.

We face an unprecedented crisis of global dimensions, an interlinked social and ecological crisis. The survival of life [...]

Occupy your Neighborhood, by Dan Chodorkoff

A new essay from Dan Chodorkoff, co-founder of the ISE:

Occupy your Neighborhood

by Dan Chodorkoff

Summer fades to Fall and more than one year has passed since Occupy Wall Street  entered the public arena.  Occupy’s message highlighted capitalism’s inherent injustices, and resonated with a broad cross section of the public.  The initial media frenzy has subsided and occupy activists are now struggling to develop new strategies to engage the 99% and to re-energize the movement.

Conceived as primarily a protest movement, Occupy is a testament to [...]

Dan Chodorkoff’s September book tour

Dates for Dan Chodorkoff's upcoming readings from his new novel, Fall 2011.

The inmates are in charge of the asylum

The recent election has brought a new crop of right wing idiots to the fore, emboldening them to pursue their wacky agenda at an as yet to be calculated cost to the people of America and the world.  The likely head of the House Oversight and Congressional Reform Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa has announced that his first priority will be to hold hearings into “Climategate”, with the intent of revealing to the American people the hoax that is being perpetrated by libralsocialististicanarchist enviro-Nazis regarding global warming. And John Shimkus, candidate to be Chair of  the House Committee on Energy and […]