
Queensland teacher banned over Grindr messages

A Queensland teacher has been banned from teaching for a year after he exchanged sexual messages with a Year 12 student on a gay social network app.

The teacher and male student communicated via Grindr three times in 2014 and ended up discussing their sexual interests and swapping pictures of their genitalia.

A Queensland teacher exchanged graphic images with a student on Grindr.
A Queensland teacher exchanged graphic images with a student on Grindr. 

Although the teen was a student at the school where the teacher taught, they weren't involved in the same classes or extracurricular activities and never met.

It was only when the pair communicated on Grindr that they realised they knew each other through their connection with the school, the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal heard.

Despite that they had continued to communicate via Grindr and swapped mobile numbers.

The teacher had stopped responding to communication attempts by the student, but there was further contact via text, Grindr and Facebook.


They had also communicated on Skype after the student graduated.

"The topics of discussion ... included their respective sexual interests and sexual history," the tribunal's judgment said.

"They also exchanged images of each other, including images of parts of their bodies without clothing and their genitalia."

The pair had also swapped video images of their genitalia.

The school principal had become aware of the sexual messages after the teacher reported his conduct to a pastor closely connected with the school in January 2015.

The Queensland College of Teachers had then launched an investigation.

The college and the teacher agreed the conduct had not involved "grooming" and did not occur on the school's premises.

It was also submitted it was not a case of a teacher using a forum in search of someone under age as Grindr required participants to confirm they were 18 years old.

The tribunal found the teacher, who was on unpaid leave and had his registration called due to nonpayment of a fee, was not suitable to teach and prohibited him from reapplying for registration until after August 31 next year.


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