
Column 8

It's incredible how quickly corporate jargon spreads across the world, says Harold Scruby of Neutral Bay. "People copy these inane words and phrases like parrots. 'Reaching out' (C8) has replaced 'going forward'. A young woman I know proudly talks about 'outreaching to people'. The latest word is space. The environment space. The media space. The government space. Another is 'bunch' for anything more than one. I heard a senior public servant the other day say they were going to 'grow a bunch of houses'. Whatever happened to flowers?"

Bouncing off Max Thomas' experience (C8), is Meredith Williams, of Dee Why. "For years I received a bill for $2.10 from a telephone company, and every time I tried to pay it I was told they don't process transactions of less than $5. This went on until my husband rang and politely suggested we could seek a solution through the Department of Consumer Affairs. That was the end of that."

John Sparke, of Maroubra. "It is odd, as Graham Russell points out, that the first of things (C8, Christmas in shops/Easter/ first koel etc) are revealed quickly, but not the endings. But why do Graham, and others, need to know when an activity is ended so they 'can resume ... normal activities?' There is nothing in the events they dislike that would stop them from doing what they usually do – at any time of the year."

"The Vice Regal news on page 17 of the business section of last weekend's SMH was as follows: 'VICE REGAL There was no news from Government House Sydney on Friday. News of the Governor-General's activities can be viewed at'" Robin Casson, of Manly.

"Dear Column 8, yesterday, in a tweet about Trump's puckered lips, I demurely used the word "axxxhole". Twitter kindly changed it for me into the full English." Stewart MacDonald, of Ashfield.

Noel Hoppe, of Wallacia, has a valid point. "The Treasurer says that the backpacker tax at 19 cents/dollar is revenue neutral after allowing for government advertising saying how good it is. Why bother?"

Never underestimate the power or possibly the optimism of our railway network says Mr P. Devitt, no address. "At Chatswood station I followed a man in a wheelchair through the wider exit gate. I noticed that after he swiped his Opal card a message was displayed indicating that he should now 'walk through'."

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