
Column 8

First, tidying two of last week's issues.

"Recently, a friend received an overseas marketing call and politely told the caller, "thank you but I'm really not interested, but best of luck with your next call." The phone rang again within a few minutes and the caller simply said: "You are a very kind man."Peter Zantis, of Goulburn.

​"Irreconcilable differences" Viv Munter? "That is the problem M Fox has with the pyjamas in the first place!" says Mykl Langridge, of Springwood.

In response to "Sleepless in Gerringong" Geoffrey Mills, of Avalon, confesses that his wife complains that he snores in 4/4 time, possibly a result of his career in music. She tells me, he says, "that such snoring always follows our hearing of The Toreador Song from Bizet's Carmen." 

Moving on. "Saturday night, 10:00pm, and reading the news on News 24 we were greeted "Good evening, Jamelle Wells with ABC News". I always thought 'evening' finished at 7:59pm and 'night' commenced at 8:00pm."Allan Gibson, of Cherrybrook.

Can anyone beat this? asks Fiona Foster, of Hornsby. Ninety-two- and 89-year-olds looking after two great grandchildren during the school holidays.


Mine is a simple request, says Richard Costello, of North Gosford. "I drive/ride past a roadside sign at Ourimbah which advertises Organic Horse Poo. What's the alternative? Cracks me up every time."

Also out and about is our George Manojlovic, of Mangerton. "On my early-morning walk I often pass two chaps briskly strolling along together. One must be excruciatingly boring as the other is never without headphones."

Charles Davies-Scourfield, of Sutton Forest, was disappointed by the lack of flavour in the "Outback Spirit" brand of "Pork sausages with Kakadu Plum and Lemon Aspen" he had for dinner. "Not surprising, however, as the ingredients showed just 0.16% Lemon Aspen and 0.4% of the Kakadu Plums. It sounds like the producers are practising homeopathic cuisine."

Could C8 readers join me to do something about this nonsense of "reaching out" asks Peter Skinner, Beecroft. "Just now a car dealer (of all people) thanked me for "reaching out to us." I didn't "reach out" I just filled in a pro forma for a brochure. And the day I "reach out" to a car dealer I'll be counting the rings on my fingers when they let go. Where did this ghastly expression come from? I reach out to C8 for help."

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