
Column 8

Your solutions to deter junk phone calls: "Hold the mouthpiece close to your lips and say in a low, breathy tone 'So ... what are you wearing?'. It worked for me. Haven't had one since. Adrian Connelly, Springwood.  ​"The most effective way is to reply, "You won't get much sense out of me - I'm pissed," says Paul Hunt, of Engadine.

Ken Hudson, Wollongbar, says: "When the call arrives telling you your computer has problems, I then reply 'Oh yes I can see you on the screen looking in. It's a shame you don't wear clothing that more suits your looks. I say, there appears to be some food stains visible. By the time you get that far they have hung up." Margaret Combley, of Maclean, keeps a whistle handy and blows it as hard as she can into the phone as soon as she realises it's a junk call. 

"My wife tells them their mother would be ashamed of them, then hangs up," says Bruce Wright, Latham, ACT. "It doesn't always work, though. One, from the 'Microsoft Technical Help Desk', phoned back to demand to know why his mother would be ashamed of him."

Peter Wilson, of Pymble, responds with: "Is it about the funeral? Mr Wilson (self) died this morning ... That gets them off the phone fast. Hardly enough time to ask if they have the address to send flowers." But ... "Aren't we all getting tetchy and intolerant. It's a thankless job and the callers are just doing that job. It takes about three seconds to say 'No thanks' and hang up, and reflect 'There but for the grace of God.' Coral Button, North Epping.

Moving on. "Many years ago our CEO at the then-Australian Jockey Club was driving the chairman around the grounds. "Look at that lazy b....... over there, hasn't moved," said the chairman. "Sack him." It was a scarecrow." Barb Taylor, of Wollstonecraft. 

Drawing the covers over mismatched PJs. "I fear Michael Fox is living dangerously by criticising his wife's nighttime attire to all and sundry. If I were Mrs Fox, I'd be doing an "Angelina" by now, citing irreconcilable differences." Viv Munter, North Epping.

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