
Column 8

"I was supporting local business purchasing a book as a birthday present for my wife (The Last Anniversary, by Liane Moriarty, seeing as you asked), when I realised we were being serenaded by that delightful Christmas carol Silent Night ... delightful, but not in August." Nick Walker, of Springwood. 

The Churches of Christ in NSW are seeking a secretary/manger for their property trust, according to Shane Coombe, Turramurra. "Presumably making sure there's fallback options available if it turns out there's no room at the inn come Christmas."

From Neil Silver, Wahroonga. "I fished the first funnel web of the 'season' from our pool this morning. A sure sign that summer IS here."

On the subject of lane changing and road rules (C8). "It might be of interest to learn that last week, from my eyrie on a shuttle transfer from Melbourne to Tullamarine airport, I counted just seven drivers with both hands on the steering wheel. Many of the 'free' hands were occupied with coffee, food and mobile phones. Scary." Deidre Vaill, Thornleigh.

"In reference to Glenda Taylor and her thirst being left unquenched before midday. It is quite probable that the licence the premises has is restricted to serving after 12pm. They can easily fix this and get an extended licence. But like everything it costs a little more. Well, actually, four times more. So Glenda is right, it is a matter of Law. One which I believe can be prosecuted under the Daylight Robbery Act." John Rand, of Belrose

Peter Willmott, of Bowral. "These Spam memories remind me of Miss Piggy's take on the Descartes quote, 'I'm pink therefore I'm Spam'."

"After the investiture ceremony of Australian honours, yesterday, the Governor of NSW, H.E. David Hurley was circulating with us on the spectacular lawns of Government House. Having heard that His Excellency was an amateur apiarist, I asked him where were the hives? He pointed out in the direction of where the hives were. And, what was the varietal of honey, the bees produced? He said: OTBK. Puzzled, I asked him to elaborate? Only The Bees Know, he said without missing a beat, totally poker-faced. Cracked us up." Darshak Mehta, Mosman.

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