
Column 8

On the eve of Monday's red carpet event (C8 league table) there is already talk of drugs and shameless eleventh-hour attempts at bribery. "Although not expecting to win I am willing to bring you breakfast in bed just for an honourable mention," says Tony Hunt, of Gordon. While Richard Stewart, of Pearl Beach asks: "As to the league contenders, and before the winners are announced, can all be assured all contestants have had their A and B samples tested and are drug free?"

Ken Follows, Erina, writes: "Further to Narelle Clark's comment (C8) re 'Bigger than Ben Hur' – I recall that in the pre-Ben Hur days there was a similar catchphrase – it's bigger than sliced bread." 

Now to batter concerns. "​And what, pray, Stephanie Edwards, shall we call the person striking the ball in women's cricket?" asks John McLean, Ashfield. "If not batsman, batperson? Batwoman? Apart from the necessary protective padding, she may also need a cape. I feel women's cricket is where the word 'batter' may have originated."

"While the wrong California (C8) may be a problem, a much bigger trap for the unwary is closer to home," says Chris Patten. "When booking a flight to Sydney one of the choices is Sydney NS. This is not an abbreviation of New South Wales but Sydney Nova Scotia in Canada. Be warned." 

To Canada and Mike Millard, West Vancouver, adds: "Confusion is long-standing in Canada for people who find they have been booked into St John, New Brunswick, instead of the larger St John's (apostrophe 's'), Newfoundland. Luckily these two are much closer to each other than Scotland and the USA."

​"Some of us have reached an age that instead of a bucket list (C8), we just swap the B for an F. Works for me," says Michele Rizzo, Annandale.


​"Barry Arnold's collective nouns were timely because my husband mentioned that a 'bunch' of clouds had appeared. Surely someone can do better than that?" asks Sue Ryan, Hamilton East.

Finally. "I demand, with legal advice, C8 ceases announcing any astronomical event. As with the ex-C8 editor your announcements are totally designed to thwart we amateur astronomers." Peter Willmott, Bowral.

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