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Possible MH370 debris found in South Africa 

Part of a plane in Mossel Bay, near Cape Town, on Monday.

Malaysia has said it will send a team to retrieve a piece of debris found along the southern coast of South Africa to check whether it could belong to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

'MH370 debris found on Mozambique beach'

Jacquita Gomes, wife of Patrick Gomes, the in-flight supervisor on MH370, prepares balloons with names of those on board ...

A South African teenager has found debris which will be sent to Australia for testing as part of the investigation into the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane two years ago, the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) says.

Blogger who found 'plane wreckage' 

Blaine Gibson has been funding his own search for MH370.

A piece of wreckage found believed to be from a Boeing 777 plane and found off the Mozambique coast was discovered by an American lawyer who has been driving his own search for the missing aircraft.

Search for MH370 narrows

John and Kaylene Mann lost relatives on both Malaysia Airlines flights MH17 and MH370.

It is almost two years since MH370 disappeared, and searchers hope they are closing in on the plane's resting place.

French search plane grounded 

The MH370 search area off Reunion Island's east coast.

The search plane France deployed to look for MH370 debris off Reunion Island was grounded Saturday, just a day after the country launched an expanded search operation in the Indian Ocean.

App lets amateurs join MH370 search

Spot MH370 app

A mobile app for Indian Ocean beachcombers hunting potential MH370 debris is the latest amateur tool in the expanding search for the missing flight.

Malaysians confident window from MH370

"I can only ascertain that it's plane debris": Malaysia's Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai.

Malaysian aviation experts are confident that a window and other debris found on the remote Indian Ocean island of Reunion in the past few days are from missing MH370.

France to step up search near Reunion Island

Chinese relatives of missing passengers  hold signs, one reading "Mama waits for you, Never Give Up", left, and "Must ...

France will search for wreckage from the lost flight MH370 off the coast of Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, following the discovery of a wing part thought to belong to the missing plane.

Family upset Malaysia told media first

Paul Weeks with his wife Danica.

As Malaysia said a plane part found last week came from MH370, the family of a New Zealand man on the flight are disgusted they again were not told first.
