Yes, You Can Teach an Old Company New Tricks, Innovation Psychologist Says

Yes, You Can Teach an Old Company New Tricks, Innovation Psychologist Says

There’s a science to being creative, and, having worked with such innovative giants as Google, Disney, LEGO, and Virgin, Amantha Imber has it figured... More »

A Coffee Company Is Growing Quickly, Thanks to a Free Ad and Lots of Caffeine

A Coffee Company Is Growing Quickly, Thanks to a Free Ad and Lots of Caffeine

Mike Brown’s Round Lake, NY, coffee roasting business hit the jackpot last year when it won the Intuit Quickbooks Small Business Big Game... More »

Women Business Owners See Glass Ceiling Half Cracked

Women Business Owners See Glass Ceiling Half Cracked

Women small business owners agree that a glass ceiling exists, but not necessarily that it limits their opportunities.A survey of 1,000 small... More »

5 Tips for Your First Sale: Venture Capitalists' Advice for Startups

5 Tips for Your First Sale: Venture Capitalists' Advice for Startups

What matters most in the first years of a startup’s life? “Closing deals,” says Greg Pugh, SVP of Customer Acquisition for Rev1 Ventures,... More »

Are You Letting the Opportunity for Pokémon Profits Pass Your Business By?

Are You Letting the Opportunity for Pokémon Profits Pass Your Business By?

Living under a rock as I do in a New England farm town, I was blissfully unaware of the Pokémon pandemonium until my teenage niece and her boyfriend... More »

Most Small Businesses Don't Know Their Search Marketing ROI

Most Small Businesses Don't Know Their Search Marketing ROI

Figuring out the return on your investment in local search marketing can seem like solving a puzzle. Nearly 60 percent of small businesses... More »

4 Steps to Starting a Conversation about Changing Your Culture

4 Steps to Starting a Conversation about Changing Your Culture

Wondering how to fix your business’s culture? If you’re like most business leaders, you probably are. VitalSmarts founders and... More »

Do Your Employees Believe That You Value Innovation? Probably Not

Do Your Employees Believe That You Value Innovation? Probably Not

Bosses beware: Researchers say most of you are out of touch with your employees’ day-to-day work experience. A study of 1,200 employees, managers,... More »

How Great Tech Support, Even for a Product That’s Not Yours, Can Win Customers

How Great Tech Support, Even for a Product That’s Not Yours, Can Win Customers

Back in the late 1990s, the tech support team at Yonatan Stern’s former company CardScan was swamped. It was the days before USBs. In order to... More »

This CEO Developed a Cadence to Profiting with Tech Startups

This CEO Developed a Cadence to Profiting with Tech Startups

You don’t need to spend more than a few minutes speaking with Yonatan Stern to know that he’s not your usual tech company leader. A... More »

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