Tag Archives: Anarchism

Islam & Anarchism

Yeah yeah Hakim Bey. But also Alpine Anarchist: “News (Mar 2014): We are proud to offer yet another updated edition of the popular “Varieties of Islamic Anarchism: A Brief Introduction” pamphlet, put together by our dear friend Anthony T. Fiscella. … Continue reading

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Sado-workism: the new culture of work in Australia [Boris Frankel]

Gillard snubs UN on single parent welfare, The Australian (AAP), March 4, 2013 | PM’s pay to crack $500k as part of MP salary rise, Stephanie Peatling, The Sydney Morning Herald, June 13, 2013. Former prime minister Julia Gillard defended … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Free the NATO5 // Write to Migs

Note : “Migs” is accused of being an FBI informant in this anon doc dated July 2011. UPDATE: Mark (Migs) of the NATO 5 to Spend Six Months in Solitary for Anarchism September 5, 2013 Mark “Migs” Neiweem of the … Continue reading

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The Nihilist Recuperation

[stolen from anarchistnews.org. see also Communiqué for Anarchist Actions in Barcelona and Response to the Nihilist Comrades, March 6, 2013

Posted in Anarchism, Broken Windows, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Thoughts on the Anarchist Federation Proposal [March 2008]

Thoughts on the Anarchist Federation Proposal @ndy In December last year, some anarchists from Sydney floated a proposal to form a regional anarchist federation in Oceania. In brief the proposal was made out of a desire to create links between … Continue reading

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Towards Federation? (Anarchist conference, Melbourne, June 8/9, 2013)

Last weekend a small gathering of anarchists took place at the Melbourne Anarchist Club. The 20 or so who attended did so in order to discuss anarchist federation: that is, the establishment of a formal linkage between a number of … Continue reading

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Comment on recommending my favourite anarchist texts

[See : Recommend your favourite Anarchist texts, Fieldnotes & Footnotes, May 29, 2013.] I don’t know that I have any particular favourite anarchist texts, though there are several that have assumed particular importance to me over the years. In high … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, Media | Tagged | 9 Comments

Communiqué for Anarchist Actions in Barcelona and Response to the Nihilist Comrades

[I like this letter so I’m republishing it here.] Communiqué for Anarchist Actions in Barcelona and Response to the Nihilist Comrades Translated from Barcelona Indymedia (February 28, 2013) With this communiqué, we wish to claim the following actions, as part … Continue reading

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Labor Lefty Lindsay Tanner Socialist Alliance Alternative Anarchy Situations

0. A slightly random assortment of links and lamentations partly prompted by Landeryou labelling this blog as lefty inre Gerry Hand (and Lindsay Tanner). 1. “[Lindsay Tanner’s] predecessor in the federal seat of Melbourne, Gerry Hand, spent decades denouncing Indonesia … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, Trot Guide | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

anarchist notes (september 20, 2012) w/- bonus! hitchens

Africa Sam Mbah — you might remember him from such anarcho-syndicalist organisations as the Awareness League — has a blog. It contains a series of interviews with him on subjects including his book African Anarchism, the global economic crisis and … Continue reading

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