Election 2016: Marcus Cornish resigns from Liberals after saying Fiona Scott betrayed Abbott

Updated May 12, 2016 14:51:46

A Penrith Councillor who derailed Liberal campaigning in the key marginal seat of Lindsay by accusing MP Fiona Scott of stabbing Tony Abbott in the back has resigned from the party.

On Monday Marcus Cornish told 7:30 Mr Abbott's description of Ms Scott as having "sex appeal" helped secure her election and that she had betrayed the former PM by voting for Malcolm Turnbull in last year's leadership spill.

Ms Scott has declined to reveal who she voted for but it is widely believed in the party that she voted for Mr Turnbull, and volunteers from Mr Abbott's electorate have refused to again support her campaign.

Mr Cornish has written an email to Liberal Party state director Chris Stone announcing his resignation and giving 21 reasons.

They include claims the party "no longer represents the Conservative views of the people of Australia" and that factional deals are "resulting in poor quality candidates".

Mr Cornish had been a member of the party for 12 years but was suspended in February for circulating an email criticising the party and Ms Scott.

He declined to comment on his future political intentions but has registered the names of two political parties with ASIC — The Conservative Party of Australia and The Conservative Local Party of Australia.

He has previously held rallies against the establishment of mosques.

The New South Wales Liberal Party declined to comment.

Topics: liberals, federal-election, federal-elections, australia

First posted May 12, 2016 12:47:44