

Showcase » Clouds 365 Project

Clouds 365 Project

The Clouds 365 Project represents my commitment to do something creative every day. Beginning July 1, 2009, I will shoot an image or video of clouds every day for 365 days. On days that are cloudless or rainy, I will have to stretch creatively to illustrate the day. There are no rules, I just want to react and see where this project takes me.

Source: www.clouds365.com

Why it’s in the Showcase: The Clouds 365 project has taken off. The site’s Facebook fan page has over 20,000 fans and the site’s Twitter account has more than 5,000 followers. The site is a pure photo blog, displaying large high quality images – everyday for 6 months so far, with many different category and page templates. I site’s homepage, depending on screen resolution, shows up to 45 images at a time.

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