Early childhood
K-12 + Tertiary

Overview | Education Programs | Curriculum resources | Tours

Organised tours

Discovery tours

Discovery tours are interactive tours that provide an introduction to the collection and develop skills in analysing and appreciating art.

Focus tours

Focus tours are tailored to a curriculum area as requested by the teacher when booking.

Drawing tours

Drawing tours encourage students to interpret and discuss art through drawing.

Early childhood tours

30–45 minute tours of the Gallery specially designed for young children and conducted by trained voluntary guides, Gallery Educators are available on request.

Special access tours

Special access tours are provided for groups with special needs and abilities. The Gallery provides a range of services, facilities and programs to enable visitors with special needs to access the national collection. Email access@nga.gov.au or phone +61 2 6240 6432.

Special interest tours

Special interest tours are provided for community groups, clubs and societies, conferences and VIPs.

Self-guided tours

We welcome self-guided tours however please book your visit and note that teachers must remain with groups at all times. Larger groups of students must split into groups of no more than 15 students accompanied by one adult.

Study sessions

Study sessions, conducted by Gallery educators, link the Gallery visit to classroom studies. Study sessions last 2–3 hours and may include tours, workshops, illustrated talks and films. Cost $7.00 per student.

Image detail above: Sidney Nolan Ned Kelly, 1946 National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Gift of Sunday Reed, 1977

Other programs

Professional development for teachers

Professional development sessions for groups of teachers are organised on request all year. Teachers’ previews provide an opportunity to see the exhibition, view resources and discuss strategies.

National Gallery of Australia
Summer Art Scholarships

The Summer Art Scholaship, held in January of every year, offers an exciting, challenging and unforgettable experience for students entering year twelve. The scholarship offers students the opportunity to join the National Gallery of Australia (NGA) team for a week, discover the collection, find out why works of art are acquired, how exhibitions take place, and what happens in a gallery behind the scenes. Application forms are available on the website mid year.

The Collection Study Room

The Collection Study Room allows small groups of researchers and students to view works of art not on display in the galleries. Admission is by appointment three weeks in advance. Enquiries csr@nga.gov.au or (02) 6240 6648.

Sydney Nolan The chase 1946 enamel on composition board Collection of the National Gallery of Australia Gift of Sunday Reed 1977 Sidney Nolan Death of Sergeant Kennedy at Stringybark Creek 1946 enamel on composition board Collection of the National Gallery of Australia Gift of Sunday Reed 1977 more detail


email: education@nga.gov.au
phone: +61 2 6240 6519, fax: +61 2 6240 6560

Learning and Access
National Gallery of Australia
GPO Box 1150
Canberra ACT 2601