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Information publication scheme

Council | Director | Policies | Reporting | Health+Safety | Information Publication Scheme | Public Interest Disclosure


The National Gallery of Australia (the Gallery) is established by the National Gallery Act 1975. The functions and powers of the Gallery, the Minister, the Council, the Chairman and the Director are outlined in the Act. The Minister for the Arts has portfolio responsibility for the Gallery.
Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act) provides as follows:
8 (1) An agency must prepare a plan showing the following:

  • what information the agency proposes to publish for the purposes of the Part
  • how, and to whom, the agency proposes to publish information for the purposes of this Part
  • how the agency otherwise proposes to comply with this Part.'

Subsection 8(2) of the Act requires agencies to publish certain information on their websites. 'Publish' can include a statement that the information exists along with details of how it can be obtained.

The Gallery plan required by subsection 8(1) of the Act is as follows:

Information to be published

The Gallery  proposes to publish, for the purposes of this Part, the following information:

  • this plan
  • details of who we are (link to the National Gallery Act 1975)
  • the structure of the Gallery, Council and Foundation Board
  • information in the Gallery's Business Plan, Annual Reports, Strategic Plan
  • information on the Gallery's Freedom of Information (FOI) Policy and a log of FOI Requests
  • Information on the Gallery's Privacy Policy
  • details of arrangements for members of the public to provide feedback

How, and to whom, the information will be published


The above information will be published on the Gallery's website. In accordance with the requirements of subsection 8D (3) of the Act, the information will be published by:

  • making it available for downloading from the website (where practicable to do so)
  • publishing on the website a link to another website from which the information can be downloaded, or
  • publishing on the website other details of how the information may be obtained – for instance, the name and contact details of relevant Gallery officers from whom the information or document can be obtained.
To whom:

The above information will be published to members of the public generally and, where the Gallery considers it appropriate to do so, to particular classes of persons or entities.

How the Gallery proposes to otherwise comply with the requirements of Part II of the Act

The Gallery intends to comply with the other requirements of Part II as follows:

  • An FOI contact officer has been appointed for the Gallery. This officer will be responsible for publishing (after the agreement of the Assistant Director Corporate Services has been obtained), the above information and documents held and then ensuring that the information and documents remain accurate and up to date. They will also be responsible for ensuring that all the other requirements of Part II of the Act are complied with.
  • Officers in the FOI and Privacy Section will provide final clearance of material to be published. They will also be available to provide advice on the requirements of Part II, including:
    • advice as to what information and documents should and should not be published; and
    • the circumstances in which charges may be levied and how they should be calculated and published.
  • The FOI contact officer will ensure that all relevant guidelines issued by the Commonwealth Ombudsman under section 93A of the Act are complied with.
  • In performing a function or exercising a power under Part II of the Act, the Gallery will also have regard to the objects of the Act as set out in sections 3 and 3A.
  • The Gallery will cooperate with the regular reviews of the Gallery's handling of the publication scheme which will be carried out by the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
  • The Gallery will ensure that, if some of its 'operational information' in relation to a function or power of the Gallery has not been published on our website and a person engages in conduct relevant to the performance of the function or exercise of the power and, at the time of engaging in that conduct the person was not aware of the unpublished information, the person will not be subjected to any prejudice by reason only of the application of any rule, guideline or practice in the unpublished information if the person could have avoided that prejudice had he or she been aware of the unpublished information.

Information in documents to which the Gallery routinely give access in response to FOI requests made to it

The Gallery does not routinely or regularly give access to any particular type or class of information.

Information routinely provided by the Gallery to Parliament in response to requests or orders from the Parliament

Senate Order for the Production of Indexed Lists of Gallery Files (also known as the Harradine Order or Harradine List)

Who we are
What we do
Relevant policies
File list
Structure of the Gallery
Functions of the Gallery
Annual reports prepared by the Gallery
Complaints, Feedback and Disclosure

The Gallery's operational information

  • Acquisitions policy
  • Business continuity plan
  • Charter of operations
  • Complaints handling guidelines
  • Enterprise Agreement
  • Directors statement
  • Environmental policy statement
  • Freedom of information policy
  • Indigenous Australia art charter of principles
  • Loans guidelines
  • National Gallery Act
  • Privacy Policy
  • Privacy and the public sector
  • Reproductions of works of art
  • Risk management plan
  • Service charter
  • Website copyright statement
  • Work health and safety policy

Copies of the documents listed above are readily available on the Gallery's website. Additional documents may be obtained by contacting the Gallery's FOI and Privacy Section at foi@nga.gov.au

Freedom of Information log

Description and dates of documents released under Freedom of Information. For a list of documents released prior to 2013 email: FOI@nga.gov.au

Date Details Reference
31 May 2016

Report titled "RAEVE22 – Risk Assessment for concert and interval drinks in the James O Fairfax Theatre"

27 May 2016

Report titled "Evaluation Of Visitor Satisfaction With The "Art In The Age Of Aids" Exhibition 1995 - A Social Marketing Research Report Prepared for the National Gallery of Australia r/a/N3925.9.A9E82


14 Apr 2015

All reports of incidents or accidents occurring in the aforementioned stairwell (Stairwell C) of the National Gallery of Australia along with all documents regarding investigations made and any actions taken to rectify any issues relating to the stairwell between 2009 and 30 April 2012


8 Oct 2014

All provenance documents for the Kushan period seated Buddha acquired by the NGA in 2008 and any document detailing who the piece was acquired from


28 May 2014

The Gallery's Fraud Risk Assessment and Fraud Control Plan


12 Mar 2014

Correspondence between National Art Gallery staff and Mr Subhash Kapoor / Mr Aaron Freedman and Art of the Past Gallery


24 Feb 2014

Correspondence from Mr Allan Myers AO of National Gallery of Australia to the Attorney General


14 Jan 2014

Documents, reports, emails, correspondence concerning incidents relating to any breakages, damage or items that have gone missing from the permanent collection of any temporary or visiting exhibitions


20 Dec 2013

Documents relating to selection process for Project Officer and recruitment freeze


17 Dec 2013

The Gallery's Fraud Risk Assessment and Fraud Control Plan
