
Kim Beazley: Donald Trump becoming US president is 'terrifying'

Former US ambassador Kim Beazley has described as "terrifying" that Donald Trump might win the US election saying he 'lies virtually every time he puts out a presentation on anything".

A Trump victory at the November poll would be an immense challenge to the Australia government of the day, Mr Beazley said.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump is frequently to the left of Hillary Clinton.
US presidential candidate Donald Trump is frequently to the left of Hillary Clinton. Photo: AP

Speaking at a Sydney Morning Herald subscriber panel discussion on the US presidential race, he said the Republican party was "incredibly deft at defining the opponent" and then having defined the weakness driven the advantage home.

In turn, Mr Beazley said "Donald Trump has a scandal a month and has had it for most of his life but the Democrats are not very good at defining their opponent".

America's options: The Donald and HRC.
America's options: The Donald and HRC. Photo: AP

On the issue of mobilising supporters to come out and vote, Mr Beazley warned that the one element of the Obama 'coalition' that looked like staying home are young voters, and the current President's involvement in the campaign was unprecedented

"Obama is spending his political capital on Clinton," he said


Mr Beazley said Hillary Clinton reacts to the idea that she would sell the American people a pup.

"Clinton is fighting a very good conventional campaign in a non-conventional environment," he said.

Kim Beazley, former Australian ambassador to the United States, in his study in Washington in 2013.
Kim Beazley, former Australian ambassador to the United States, in his study in Washington in 2013. Photo: Joshua Roberts

He also said the public perception of Hillary Clinton is wrong and that in his interactions with her, she was fascinated with the Australian political system.

Speaking before the event that focused on the US election as well as its implications for Australia, Mr Beazley said it seemed to him that Mr Trump was fearful of committing to the hard work of debate preparation.

Recalling his own preparation for prime ministerial debates against John Howard, Mr Beazley recalls gruelling practice with then-senator John Faulkner standing in as Mr Howard. "After debating Faulkner, Howard was much easier," he says.

Similarly Hillary Clinton spent the days before Monday's event in intense preparation, reportedly not leaving the Doral Arrowwood hotel and spa until past 11pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to return to her nearby home.

When Mr Trump mocked her for leaving the campaign trail to prepare, she responded devastatingly with a carefully rehearsed line.

"I think Donald just criticised me for preparing for this debate," she said. "And, yes, I did. You know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. And I think that's a good thing."

Mr Beazley dismissed the argument put by some conservative commentators in Australia and the US that Mr Trump's performance would have been received well outside elite circles among heartland voters.

"If you found any joy at all in [Mr Trump's performance] it was in the first 20 minutes. He moved from bloviating to incoherent ranting."

Whether or not the debate will change the course of the campaign is not yet clear, though polls show Mrs Clinton's lead, that had been all but erased by Mr Trump in recent weeks, has begun to grow again. According the Real Clear Politics poll average she is now 3 percentage points ahead of Mr Trump, up from 2.3 points on Monday.

The debates are considered crucial not only because they command such a vast audience – Monday's debate was the most watched in history – but because voters, having been bombarded by political news for almost two years by now, are beginning to engage for the final weeks of the campaign.

Mr Beazley believes the town hall format, with actual voters putting questions to the candidates, will suit Mrs Clinton.

"She has difficulty conveying empathy, but she is best at doing it when she has to do it, when there are people in front of her."

For the same reason it will be difficult for Mr Trump to employ his preferred aggressive style in such circumstances.