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Recent Articles

Weekend Edition
October 14, 2016
Friday - Sunday
Paul Street
The Ruling Class’s Hatred of Trump is Different Than Yours
Gary Leupp
An Urgently Necessary Briefing on Syria
Jeffrey St. Clair
Roaming Charges: a Wikileak is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Luciana Bohne
The Democratic Swindle: Hillary or Trump?
Andrew Levine
Hillary Regnant: Perpetual War Party Prepares to Coronate Its First Queen
Barbara Koeppel
The Trump Elite: Why Angry, Not Working Class Whites are Supporting Trump
Missy Comley Beattie
It’s Worse Than Pussy Grabbing
Pepe Escobar
Is Trump Ready to Go Nuclear?
Patrick Bond
The Wages of Sub-Imperial Assimilation: BRICS Fantasies and Unintended Revelations
David Yearsley
Stockholm Syndrome: Dylan’s Nobel
Lawrence Ware – Paul Buhle
The Missing Gospel of CLR James
Sheldon Richman
Donald J. Trump the Hawk
Franklin Lamb
Political Defamation Campaign Targets Rescue Workers in Syria
Jonathan Taylor
Trump, Anti-Globalism and the Anti-Semitism Slur
Ralph Nader
Ken Bossong—“Favorite Sun”
David Krieger
The Fierce Urgency of Nuclear Zero
Pete Dolack
International Tribunal Seeks to Build Case Against Monsanto
Robert Fantina
Ireland: Resisting the Empire
CJ Hopkins
The Party
Ron Jacobs
STFU about World War Three Already!
Miguel A. Cruz-Díaz
“Demo-cray”: Some Quick Thoughts on Our Current Political Insanity
Kent Paterson
Full Circle in the Americas: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence in the 21st Century
Norman Pollack
Artificial Creation: Released Emails on Clinton
Greg McKelvey
Portland, Oregon Under Siege: Calling on Mayor Charlie Hales to Resign
James A Haught
A Milestone for America’s Culture
Robert Koehler
Nuclear Standoff
Uri Avnery
The Kissinger Story
Roger Annis
The Limits of the Political Vision of the Authors of the Leap Manifesto
Alberto Zuppi - Cesar Chelala
The Spirit of Nuremberg
Cecilia Zarate-Laun
Are We Going Back to Square One in Colombia?
Peter Stone Brown
BANG! The Bert Berns Story Needs To Be Seen
David Swanson
What Police Videos Teach Us About Wars
Murray Dobbin
The Trouble With Normal
Brian Cloughley
The Kashmir Crisis: Let the UN Do Its Duty
Thomas Knapp
War Crimes: John Kerry’s Really Got Some Kind of Nerve
Stephen Cooper
Please, Posthumously Pardon Marcus Garvey
Binoy Kampmark
The Despotism of the Pound
David Rosen
What If Consumers Stopped Shopping?
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Negative Coattails Good for Senate
Jamie Davidson
There’s More to Life Than This: the Musical Activism of Dick Gaughan
Stephen Martin
Not Spending Money Alone: a Requiem for Democracy in the Western World
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Old Night Business
Charles R. Larson
Review: Okey Ndibe’s “Never Look an American in the Eye”
October 13, 2016
Pepe Escobar
Hillary Clinton’s Axis of Evil
Flores Forbes
Invisible Men in America
Johanna Fernandez
Trump, Clinton and the Crisis in US Society
W. T. Whitney
Triumph of the Ruling Class Extremists: the Failure of the Colombia Peace Accords
Patrick Cockburn
Why a No-Fly Zone Will Not Solve the Crisis in Aleppo
Kim Ives
Risk of Another Round of Disaster Aid to Haiti to Reinforce U.S. Domination
Renee Parsons
The Senate Armed Services Committee Preps for War
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The Power Behind the Pipeline
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Green Collaboration With the Enemy
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Eugene Soltes on Why They Do It
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“The Stone Building” and the Post Coup Erdoğan Crackdown

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