Swiss Leaks: Murky Cash Sheltered by Bank Secrecy

Private Bank Secrets Revealed

A team of journalists from 45 countries has unearthed secret bank accounts maintained for criminals, traffickers, tax dodgers, politicians and celebrities.

Explore the Swiss Leaks Data

Based on a trove of 60,000 leaked files, with details on over 100,000 HSBC clients, explore the data country by country, and see a sample of the bank's clients.
Hervé Falciani.

Whistleblower? Thief? Hero?

Hervé Falciani has taken a long, strange journey from bank computer expert to jailed fugitive to candidate for office to whistleblower spokesman.
Woman boarding a private jet

The Real 'Housewives' of HSBC

When accounts in the leaked files list a profession, "housewife" pops up with amazing frequency. But these so-called housewives are not always what they seem.

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