
Captain Fantastic review: Viggo Mortensen leads a family in righteous isolation


That fine, fearful line between raising a child right and ruining them runs with trepidation and insight through Captain Fantastic, an acutely observed and comically-tinged domestic drama.

The Cash clan live a life of isolation in the Oregon wilderness away from what patriach Ben (Viggo Mortensen), sees as a ...
The Cash clan live a life of isolation in the Oregon wilderness away from what patriach Ben (Viggo Mortensen), sees as a flawed society. Photo: Entertaintment One

As with any real family, laughter and tears stem from the same powerful wellspring in this entertaining US independent production, which deserves to elevate the profile of writer and director Matt Ross and draw more well-earnt praise for his star, Viggo Mortensen.

Commanded, in every sense of the word, by their patriarch Ben (Mortensen), the Cash clan live a life of righteous isolation in the Oregon wilderness. As an act of idealism that reaches to defiance, Ben has raised his six children as political progressives who hunt wild game, value ideals over ideology, and practice their knife-fighting skills. "You have to stab to kill," Ben counsels his kids, and the same strategy appears to apply to political reasoning.

Sure of his convictions: Viggo Mortensen plays Ben Cash, father to several children, including a daughter played by ...
Sure of his convictions: Viggo Mortensen plays Ben Cash, father to several children, including a daughter played by Shree Crooks.  Photo: Entertainment One

The early scenes are so finely pitched and informative that the unease which pools beneath this well-run operation steals in like an infiltrator. You can sense it when the middle boy, Rellian (Nicholas Hamilton), diverts a campfire guitar jam with a rigorous drumbeat, and the cause is the absence of Ben's wife and the children's mother, who has been hospitalised for about three months with apparently little progress.

Whether aged eight, like Zaja (Shree Crooks), or almost 18, such as the oldest child and Ben's most fervent devotee, Bodevan (George MacKay), the half-dozen home-schooled offspring are wont to turn Ben's teachings back on him. Having raised them on supposedly doing the right thing, the absence of their mother means they must venture into the everyday world, a journey that brings to bear the good and bad in how these American castaways live.


Conservative families, particularly Christian fundamentalists, are often mocked in American movies, but in looking to the left Captain Fantastic hits not only humorous notes but also hums a darker melody. In removing his children from what he condemns as a flawed society, Ben has robbed them of the chance to socialise. Bodevan has many skills, but conversing with teenage girls is not one of them, and his siblings have a hunger for everyday interaction.

Without initially tilting the scales, Ross asks at what point a protective parent without an alternative becomes a bad influence. It helps immeasurably that in measuring this Ben is played by Mortensen, the former Lord of the Rings hero who, with his greying beard and watchful gaze, makes you aware of how deeply powerful – and possibly distorting – the act of nurturing a cherished child is.

"Let's have a discourse," Ben says to an aggrieved Rellian – a line that hasn't worked on a truculent adolescent since Aristotle tried it – and, despite the very best of intentions, Mortensen reveals that Ben could well be what he's told his children to oppose: a dictator. Is it any wonder some agitate to overthrow him?

The first alternative is Ben's brother-in-law and his wife, Dave (Steve Zahn) and Harper (Kathryn Hahn), whose suburban cul-de-sac life is upended by their visitor's truth-telling and disregard for others. But Ben's real adversary is his vengeful father-in-law, Jack (Frank Langella), angry that he lost a daughter instead of gaining grandchildren. No one seethes with patrician disdain like Langella, whose phone voice alone signals scorn.

This is just the second feature film from Ross, a character actor currently playing a deluded tech titan on the television comedy Silicon Valley, and he visually connects his characters to contrasting worlds, shooting the differing environments like marker stones on the children's experiences.

Given that they travel on a bus and have deeply ingrained eccentricities, it would be easy to compare the Cash family (even their surname would rile Ben) with the Hoover's of 2006's Little Miss Sunshine. But if that earlier picture is about embracing dysfunction, both the cause and the cure of the flaws here run deep into the shared dynamic of parent and child.

It has echoes of Peter Weir's least heralded movie, 1986's The Mosquito Coast, where Harrison Ford's bull-headed father risks the lives of the children he's trying to protect. Captain Fantastic doesn't quite reach those extremes, if only because Ross and his film are open to the necessity of compromise, but it is terrific in how it navigates these heartfelt turning points. With Mortensen's ability to intermingle sternness and selfishness, best intentions are always shaded by the worst possibilities.