James Packer's private gym set to open doors wider

Pump iron like a Packer ... who knows? There could be a Mariah Carey in it for you too.
Pump iron like a Packer ... who knows? There could be a Mariah Carey in it for you too. Steve Granitz

In years to come, it will be looked back upon fondly as the day the gates of the promised land opened just that little bit wider.

We're talking about the most hotly anticipated limited-release since BBY's psychic advisor, Nevine "Melisandre" Rottinger revealed her stock tips.

After forging a reputation as Sydney's hardest-to-join inner-city gym, James Packer's former sweat shop, 54 Park St is opening itself up to outside members. 

One hundred memberships are set to be made available to the general public – meaning you too could get your Olivia Newton-John on in the company of Bauer Media's magazine staffers and Packer's lieutenants at Consolidated Press Holdings who, until now, have had exclusive access.  

And let's face it. Who wouldn't want to pay good coin to join a boxercise class with new CPH recruit, Peta Credlin? Who wouldn't give their right arm for a chance to cross paths and compare business strategies in the change rooms with Mark Arbib or Karl Bitar?

Plus, you'd be joining more than just another gym. 54 Park St is a little piece of history. Push past the 20-metre indoor pool, the beauty spa (where the magazine-maven likes of Ardent Leisure's Deb Thomas – back in her Women's Weekly days – go for their regular buff and polish), the weights room, spin class and yoga space, and you might just be lucky enough to glimpse the VIP section – an area glassed-and-curtained-off from the plebs where senior members of Bauer and CPH management can go to pump iron in peace. There's even a secret lift entry, operated by fingerprint technology, for said VIP section. Look close enough and you might even stumble upon Kerry Packer's famed subterranean retreat – or his long lost gold…