Can employers be imputed with knowledge of an employee’s mental illness?

By |September 9th, 2016|

Picture this: You are a manager or an HR professional in a performance management meeting with an employee who has been repeatedly late to work. During the meeting, the employee becomes tearful. They also say that they are dealing with some personal issues and are “not right in themselves”, but do not elaborate further.
The employee’s […]

Meet Learning Seat at Work 2.0 this October!

By |September 7th, 2016|

The team will be heading over to the Work 2.0 Expo and Conference, October 24-25 at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney where we will be exhibiting and showcasing our latest e-learning courses and L&D solutions at Learning@Work.
Demo the Learning Seat Course Library at Work 2.0

Delegates are invited to visit the Learning Seat to demo some […]

Watch ‘The Hidden Costs of Workplace Bullying’ Webinar

By |August 24th, 2016|

If you think back to all the different places you’ve worked, how many times have you experienced or seen workplace bullying happening first or second-hand? I’m sure there’s a good number of you reading this right now that can probably think of a few times that you’ve seen or experienced it happening.
That powerful question kicked […]

Learning Seat Course Updates & Releases – August 2016

By |August 22nd, 2016|

This August, we’ve updated the following Learning Seat courses, and we’ve added a brand new course to our existing course library:
Course Updates:
Safety Leadership Suite
Safety Leadership is a suite of online courses designed to develop employees (managers and non-
managers) understanding and management of health and safety issues in the workplace to ensure a safe work environment for everyone.

The […]

Can ‘Unfriending’ Work Colleagues on Facebook Be Considered Bullying?

By |August 8th, 2016|

In a recent Fair Work Commission decision, the act of ‘unfriending’ a work colleague on Facebook was held to have contributed to a finding of bullying in the workplace. This case highlights the importance of implementing comprehensive anti-bullying and social media policies that address appropriate employee conduct on social media in order to reduce the […]

Do’s and Don’ts in Workplace Investigations

By |August 3rd, 2016|

Whilst most employees are aware of the need to conduct workplace investigations, some may underestimate the benefits of a properly planned, conducted and recorded investigation.
Workplace investigations play an important role in addressing alleged inappropriate and/or improper workplace conduct and behaviour. Increasingly, workplace investigations also provide justification for the taking of disciplinary action against an employee, […]

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