WA News

Bunbury family 'left high and dry' by bankrupt builder in damp home

A Bunbury family say they face losing their house and hundreds of thousands of dollars, claiming building faults on their newly built home caused repeated flooding and mould.

During their first winter, Cathryne McDonagh and Richard Jarred discovered the property, built by Australian home builder G.J Gardner Homes in January 2015, was prone to flooding and subsequent investigations revealed their property had seemingly been built too low. 

Cathryne McDonagh and her family had to vacate their unit after discovering the foundation of their house and garage was ...
Cathryne McDonagh and her family had to vacate their unit after discovering the foundation of their house and garage was allegedly set too low and prone to flooding.  Photo: Ivy James

Alarm bells were first set off when rainwater was found to pool above the level of external paving to the front, rear and west side of the property.

The first time they noticed flooding around the house was after heavy rain in July 2015, and it happened again in August the same year when their soak well was covered with water to the depth of 23 centimetres.

Flooding at the rear of the East Bunbury home and ponding at the front.
Flooding at the rear of the East Bunbury home and ponding at the front. Photo: Ivy James

The parents-of-two commissioned an engineer's report that highlighted mould on the eaves, which was allegedly caused by issues with the guttering.

The report also claimed the foundation of the house and garage were set 300 to 400 millimetres lower than approved drawing levels.  


The couple said they contacted the building company's director Austin Ietto, who visited the property and disputed the report's findings, telling the couple the home had not been built too low.

To make matters worse, the couple has since learned that G. J. Gardner Homes, which builds homes across the state including Perth, has gone into liquidation. 

The pair has taken the case to the State Administrative Tribunal to seek restitution for the alleged major defects to their property which they say will require hefty demolition and rebuilding costs. 

To date, the couple have spent more than $370,000 on mortgage repayments, rates and bills, legal costs, land, interest, engineering reports and inspections. 

"We can't afford to demolish and rebuild ourselves and we face the possibility of having to sell our home for land-only value, leaving us in serious debt," Ms McDonagh said.

"We don't understand how we are left to deal with this while the builder...has made no offer to rectify the problems." 

Since the issues were identified, the family-of-four have had to move in with relatives and are worried the longer this goes on, the worse the problems will become. 

Mr Ietto declined to comment.

Bunbury Mail