
Teen forgives sexually abusive father, says he will be invited to her wedding

A teenager sexually abused by her father for more than three years has forgiven him for his crimes, plans to visit him in prison and will one day invite him to her wedding, a Victorian court has heard.

A County Court judge on Thursday described the victim impact statement the teen previously read to court as a "unique document" given her forgiving attitude, and said he had carefully considered her views in sentencing.

A father pleaded guilty to sexually abusing his daughter for more than three years.
A father pleaded guilty to sexually abusing his daughter for more than three years. Photo: Scott Barbour

The judge jailed the father for five years.

"Forgiveness is an all-too-rare commodity in the society we live in," the judge said.

"Not only has your daughter forgiven you, but she has expressed a desire to visit you in custody and details that if she ever gets married you will be able to attend her wedding."

The father, 54, pleaded guilty to incest and indecent assault after abusing the girl between 2008 and 2012, when she was aged between 10 and 13.


The father and sentencing judge cannot be named so as not to identify the daughter.

The judge said the daughter was articulate and confident, and that her statement illustrated how she was dealing with the abuse and the steps her father had taken towards rehabilitation.

The man admitted the abuse to his wife when asked to by his daughter, the court heard, and had since accepted responsibility, shown remorse and understood the impact of his crimes.

The judge said the man's offending was at the lower to mid-range level of incest and indecent assault cases, but was serious and had to be denounced.

It was also important to deter others from similar offending.

"You were in a position of trust and control. Your offending was prolonged and your daughter was vulnerable to you," the judge told the man.

The father must serve two years and 10 months in jail before he is eligible for parole.

His daughter was not in court on Thursday.