

The cancer risks most Australians don't know

Ever since the 1980s and Cancer Council's iconic Slip! Slop! Slap! campaign, the perils of overexposure to UV radiation and the subsequent call for Australians to become "sun-smart" have permeated daily life in summer. Sunscreen use has been estimated to stop about 14,000 Australians each year from developing squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, and 1700 people from developing melanoma.

Australia can be justifiably proud of its comprehensive tobacco control efforts, which have seen smoking prevalence in NSW adults decrease significantly, from 22.5 per cent in 2002 to 13.5 per cent in 2015. We are well on the way to seeing a new generation that will no longer be familiar with or tempted by cigarettes.

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These campaigns and, as a consequence, improved public health, are promising steps on the journey to beat cancer – but much more needs to be done. We know that one in three cancer cases can be prevented. And while quitting smoking and sun protection are essential pieces to this prevention strategy, we need to start talking about other factors that we are learning play nearly as big a role: poor diet, being overweight, not doing enough physical activity and drinking too much alcohol – which collectively contribute to nearly as many cancer cases as smoking.

Our community prevention survey, conducted earlier this year with more than 3000 people in NSW, found that while there is growing awareness in NSW that smoking cigarettes (93 per cent of community members said they were aware of this risk factor), getting sunburnt (88 per cent) and spending time outdoors when UV levels are three and above (89 per cent) all contribute to a person's risk of getting cancer, there is still a significant lack of awareness about what else can cause cancer.

Only 40 per cent of people realise being overweight is a risk factor for cancer.
Only 40 per cent of people realise being overweight is a risk factor for cancer. Photo: Jenny Evans

For example, six in 10 people aren't aware that being overweight is a risk factor for cancer. More than twice as many people can identify heart disease as a consequence of being overweight or obese, compared with those who associate being overweight with cancer (87 per cent vs 40 per cent). More than half the people (59 per cent) in our survey didn't associate insufficient fruit and vegetables intake as contributing to cancer risk. One third of people don't know that eating too much red meat can increase your cancer risk. More than a quarter of people mistakenly think that a suntan protects against melanoma and other skin cancers.

These are just a few insights from our survey, and they all point towards a lack of awareness of the complete picture of cancer risk factors. Evidence for lesser-known cancer risk factors has been growing in recent years, and it is still a relatively new message for people. This is why Cancer Council NSW this week launched a new campaign. For the first time we're communicating all the strategies that people can tap into to minimise their future cancer risk – which will help reduce the number of cancer cases we see diagnosed in the future.


By showing people a more complete picture of the whole range of risk factors we know can lead to cancer and giving people practical information to help them make positive lifestyle changes, we are helping them to take steps to reduce their own cancer risk.

We by no means are trying to place blame on anyone already affected by cancer. We don't yet have all the answers for why some people develop cancer and others don't (which is why we will keep funding vital research into cancer causes and treatments).

But the evidence about the range of lifestyle factors linked to cancer is important information that we need to act on – and we expect to learn a lot more about preventable risk factors over the coming years. A recent example is the World Health Organisation classifying processed meats as a class 1 carcinogen last year.

Of course, there are other factors that are outside of an individual's control, such as age, family history and genetics.

But the facts remain: four of the top five most commonly diagnosed cancers in Australia – lung, bowel, melanoma and breast cancers – are among the most preventable. To motivate and empower the public to make healthy choices, we need to talk about all risk factors.

We want people to know that they hold the cards to reducing their future cancer risk. Our goal is to lead the public discourse on to the next stage of cancer prevention – a place where knowledge about the sort of choices people can make is ingrained in their minds as much as the knowledge that cigarettes and UV exposure are damaging.

This is the next step towards educating and empowering the community on the things that they can do now to reduce their risk of getting cancer in the future.

You can assess your cancer risk at

Kathy Chapman is director of Cancer Programs at Cancer Council NSW.