Gilles Dauvé

An A to Z of communisation - Gilles Dauvé

An A-Z of key aspects of communisation theory, by Gilles Dauvé.

Rojava: reality and rhetoric - Gilles Dauvé and T.L.

Rojava flags flying

A detailed critical analysis of the "Rojava revolution". This is a much enlarged version of 'Kurdistan?' written by G.D. and T.L published on Troploin.

When insurrections die - Gilles Dauvé

This is a reconceived version of 'Fascism and Anti-Fascism'. In this text, Dauvé draws on the experiences of the revolutionary movements in Russia, Germany, and Spain to criticize anti-fascism and democracy, and to draw general conclusions for communists today.

Reforming the reformers - Gilles Dauvé

A short review by Gilles Dauvé of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st century.

Response to a criticism of GDC antiracism and antifascism via Dauvé

A response by a member of the Twin Cities General Defense Committee (GDC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) to criticisms of antifascism.

Federici versus Marx - Gilles Dauvé

Silvia Federici

A critique of some of the ideas of autonomist Marxist feminist Silvia Federici by Gilles Dauvé.

Da Esquerda Alemã a Socialisme ou Barbarie - La Banquise

Este texto, que é um capítulo de  "le roman de nos origines" (La Banquise No. 2 1983), examina as contribuições e limites da esquerda comunista alemã (comunistas de conselhos) e do grupo Socialisme ou Barbarie.
(Traduzido e publicado pelo Grupo Autonomia no website Biblioteca Virtual Revolucionária em Julho de 2006 a partir da versão original em francês - publicada no website John gray-For Communism)

Crisis of civilisation - Gilles Dauvé

Dauvé argues that all crises are crises of social reproduction, and analyses in detail the similarities and differences between the current crisis and previous crises.

Kurdistan? - Gilles Dauvé

A critical analysis of the Kurdish movement against the background of the Syrian conflict and the so-called "Rojava revolution", by Gilles Dauvé.

The dubious virtues of propaganda: Ken Loach's "Land and Freedom" - Gilles Dauvé

Gilles Dauvé reviews Ken Loach's film on the Spanish Civil War, Land and Freedom.