2016: Squatfest, Sydney


A Sydney gathering celebrating squatting and resistance. According to the Facebook event page:

From 2 – 7pm there will be a number workshops about squatting and security culture.  At 5pm there will be a presentation by anarchists and antifascist activists from Burma, and a report on ongoing repression in Malaysia.  At 6pm there’ll be talks on the history of squats and squatting struggles in Sydney and other places. There will be an amazing spread of vegan/vegetarian/gf food available on the day, and a room that will be playing radical documentaries on squatting and resistance all day long.  After 7pm we’re gonna have bands, DJS and a karaoke party.

This event is being organised very quickly in light of the sudden eviction notice, so there is still plenty of space for people who want to perform in whatever capacity, just let us know :) Also anyone who wants to help organising the event, you’re heeaaaps welcome! All money raised at the event will be going towards an anarchist infoshop in Yangoon, Burma, and legal fees for comrades in Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia facing repression.

For anyone concerned about attending an event inside a squatted building, we recently got permission from the owner to use the space till at least mid September, so no one need be concerned about “tresspassing”. The building is also in great condition, with no structural defects, despite being scheduled for demolition.

The Intersection.

For more about the event and The Intersection: www.facebook.com/AutonomousIntersection

Categories: 2010s, Event, Sydney | Leave a comment

2016, Melbourne: Bendigo Street Party, 28 August

To celebrate nearly five months of occupation as well as to maintain pressure on the Victorian government not to evict the 50 or so people living in properties left empty following the cancellation of the East-West tunnel scheme the residents of Bendigo Street are holding a street party.

Bedigo St poster

Categories: 2010s, Melbourne | Leave a comment

2016, Melbourne- Squatting in Australia, Past and Present

augustsquattingeventHot Shots Monthly Skillshare presents: SQUATTING IN AUSTRALIA – PAST AND PRESENT
An afternoon of discussions, talks and skillshares exploring squatting in Australia, its history, current campaigns, practical skills and more.

Lunch available from 12

12:30 – Squatting history
A panel will give short talks about squats and campaigns that occured nationally during the 1940s, in Sydney during the 1970s, and in Melbourne during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.

1:45 – Squatting in Melbourne today:
Those involved in squats and related campaigns, groups, radio shows, etc. will discuss what is currently happening in Melbourne and how people can get involved.

3:00-  Squatting, colonisation and gentrification:
A critical discussion about the relationship of squatting to these issues.

4:15- The practical squatter:
A skillshare session looking at the practicalities involved in finding empties, fixing them up, getting essential services connected, dealing with the law and more.

Childcare available! Please let us know if your child will be attending so we can organise childcare…

@ Hot Shots, 16-20 Buckley St, Footscray – Enter via alleyway on Nicholson St.

For more information, to request childcare or if you would like to contribute to the day please email hotshotscollective@riseup.net

Categories: 2010s, Announcement, Melbourne | Leave a comment

1975, Canberra- Squatters take over politician’s disused investment property

On April 3rd 1975 a dozen squatters took over an empty property in Braddon belonging to Liberal MLA Ray Saunders. As the news articles below demonstrate the politician called in police to eject them within a matter of days, but not before they’d brought the public’s attention to the growing number of evictions occuring in the city. The Low Cost Accomodation Committee followed their action up a week later by holding protests outside and inside the ACT Legislative Assembly.

Thursday April 4 1975 CT

Sat 5 April 1975 CT  Read more »

Categories: 1970's, Article, Canberra | Leave a comment

1970s, Sydney: Rocking The Foundations

Pat Fiske’s excellent 1985 documentary Rocking The Foundations tells the story of the NSW Builder’s Labourers Federation during the 1970s. Run as a genuinely democratic organisation seeking workers’ control over the direction and outcomes of their labour, the NSW BLF formed alliances with squatters, environmentalists, feminists, Indigenous groups and others before being stamped out by a corrupt coalition of developers, politicians and rival unionists.


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1972-1987, Sydney: A short history of the Glebe Squats

A short history of the Glebe Squats 1972 to 1987

By Bill Holliday.

In 1948, associated with the County of Cumberland plan, the Department of Main Roads (DMR) drew up plans for radial city expressways two of which were the Western Expressway and the North Western Expressway.

Both expressways were to leave the city at Fig Street Ultimo, the flyovers over Darling Harbour are the first stage. The Western was to carry on through Glebe and then through Leichhardt and west towards Parramatta, much the same route as the M4. The North Western was to arch through northern Glebe and then lay waste to Rozelle west of Victoria Road, heading towards Hunters hill and Ryde. At that time the inner city terraces were considered slums and the road was slum clearance.

These expressways would have divided Glebe into three parts. When the DMR got around to actually starting them in the early 1970’s, people were starting to realise the value of living in the inner city  and opposition was forthcoming from locals and university students for whom Glebe was home.

The Glebe Anti-Expressway Committee was formed by students and demonstrations such as marches down Glebe Point Road were held. Meanwhile the DMR was buying up the houses it needed to demolish (many forced sales at undervalued prices) and had left them empty. These houses had been broken into and everything of value had been stripped out of them: marble fireplaces, doors, skirting boards, plumbing, wiring, stoves and water heaters. Even houses which had not yet settled with the DMR, had this treatment.

The Glebe Anti-Expressway Committee managed to get the Builders Labourers Federation to put a Green Ban on any demolition for the expressways in late 1972 and in 1973 instigated the first squat of one of the empty houses in order to prevent further deterioration and an excuse for the DMR to call in the bulldozers. These squatters were evicted and charged but got off. Subsequent squats were not challenged except for two in the original stately home of the area, Lyndhurst in Darghan Street, where the squatters were twice evicted by the cops but not charged as the media was calling it an attempt to save the historic building.

The Glebe Society, the local residents group, were supportive but their support did not extend to squatting.

In 1974, the DMR brought in the bulldozers to demolish houses in Fig Street Ultimo and the Glebe Anti-Expressway Committee got wind of it the day before and organised a blockade to prevent demolition. Thirteen demonstrators were arrested on the roofs of the houses and from the path of the bulldozers and there was extensive coverage in the media. This Whitlam Labor government was in power in Canberra and Tom Uren’s department told the DMR that they would not get any more federal roads grants if they went ahead with the expressways.

Fig St II

As demolitions had been halted, squatting from 1974 onwards was low profile but hectic. It was not unknown for would-be squatters to select a house in the morning only to come back with their stuff in the afternoon to find another group had beaten them to it. In most cases the services had been disconnected so squatters used garden hoses and extension cords from still connected houses. Others dug up the street to reconnect to the water main or dug down to the sewer line to remove concrete tipped there by the DMR. Very soon every house was being lived in.

The houses remained in squatters’ hands for 13 years until 1987 when the DMR finally acknowledged that the expressways were never going to be built in that location and handed the houses over to the NSW Housing Commission. The squatters then became Housing Commission tenants and were moved to other houses nearby while the Commission did total renovations on the structurally sound houses or built new infill housing. These houses still stand today.

Over 13 years, babies were born, children grew up and people started and finished university courses, got jobs and generally got their lives together. A notable success story is Karl Kruszelnicki, originally known as Chevy Karl, for the car that he drove.

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South Vietnamese Embassy Squat, Canberra, 1984

Having been abandoned in 1975 after the South Vietnamese government lost power the regime’s former embassy in Canberra sat empty until it was squatted during a demonstration against homelessness by around 200 people in 1984.  Embarassed by the action the Federal ALP government took ownership of the buildings later in the year offering the squatters places in public housing.

April 1984 Canberra squat16 June ACTnla.news-page000013977214-nla.news-article137173709-L3-06d84012adbb740f4a1846d0bd2609d7-0001

Categories: 1980s, Article, Canberra | Leave a comment

Homeless Persons Union of Victoria, Collingwood Occupation, Melbourne, 2016

12719172_1708595659381883_6219719764092469227_oThe Homeless Persons Union of Victoria and supporters have been occupying six disused properties in Bendigo Street Collingwood since March 30th 2016. The houses were originally purchased by the Victorian state government so that they could be demolished as part of the East-West Link tollway project which was scrapped following a hard fought campaign of opposition including daily pickets which disrupted preparatory work in 2014. Since then these six houses have remained empty. Following the eviction of squatters from one of the properties the HPUV launched an ongoing occupation demanding:

• Immediate release of all information relating to the current ownership of all properties acquired for the East-West Link, with full transparency about all acquired land and no more dishonesty.
•The 6 unused houses on Bendigo St to be made into genuine public housing and allocated to some of the 35,000 people on the public housing waiting list. Occupation will continue until the first keys are handed over.
• All unoccupied properties acquired for the East-West Link that are still in the government’s possession to be added to the public housing register.
• Minister Martin Foley to come to Bendigo St and be interviewed by people with experience of homelessness.
• The Andrews government to say how they intend to provide housing for 25,000 homeless people while there are 80,000 unoccupied dwellings in Melbourne.
Weekly meetings and other events are being held at the occupation. For more information and updates visit:




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1984, Melbourne: Footscray Tent Action

sun 3 feb 84 p 13

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1985, Sydney: Castle Cove Squatters

An article from the Sydney Morning Herald about those who were living in abandoned houses in the bush near Manly during the mid-1980s as well as the history of squatting in the area.


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