(CNN)The defense team for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who is charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, has won access to hundreds of thousands of pages of classified information. In a Thursday ruling, the U.S. ArmyCourt of Criminal Appeals denied an appeal made by the prosecution regarding access to classified information ... Read More ... "It's anybody's guess ... The government has not told us what it's giving us," he said ... Gen ... Gen ... ....
The expansion of the universe is due to dark energy, a mysterious form of energy that surrounds us and permeates the entire cosmos. But its exact characteristics remain unknown, with most of what we know about dark energy coming from its effect on galaxies ... Astronomers used the size of galaxy clusters as “cosmic rulers,” and compared nearby clusters to far away ones ... ....
WASHINGTON — Scrambling to resuscitate a nearly dead truce in Syria, the Obama administration has again been forced to turn to Russia for help, with little hope for the desired U.S. outcome ... Kerry spoke at length on Friday with Russian Foreign MinisterSergey Lavrov to that end, and had been hoping to meet with Lavrov soon, according to U.S. officials. Kerry was scheduled to arrive in Switzerland late Sunday for talks with U.N ... U.S....
STUTTGART ... The AfD, set up just three years ago, has been buoyed by Europe's migrant crisis, which saw the arrival of more than one million, mostly Muslim, migrants in Germany last year ... “Islam is foreign to us and for that reason it cannot invoke the principle of religious freedom to the same degree as Christianity,” said Hans-Thomas Tillschneider, an AfD lawmaker from the state of Saxony-Anhalt, to loud applause ... ....
Voters across Europe have got the message from the way in which Greece’s opposition to austerity was crushed. Greece is running out of money. The government in Athens is raiding the budgets of the health service and public utilities to pay salaries and pensions. Without fresh financial support it will struggle to make a debt payment due in July. No, this is not a piece from the summer of 2015 reprinted by mistake ... Then or now ... ....
AndrewLittleLeader of the Opposition MEDIA STATEMENT April 30 2016 Andrew Little visits Zaatari refugee camp Leader of the Opposition, Andrew Little, has visited the largest Syrian refugee camp in the world, Zaatari in Jordan, a day after seeing ... ....
Adams was the head middle school coach last season at RossvilleChristianAcademy and helped as a varsity assistant as well. Adams has now been promoted to head coach of Rossville Christian high school program after CarsonHunter left to become a graduate assistant coach at Murray State... “I am looking forward to being a bigger part of the football program at Rossville Christian Academy,” Adams said....
As outlined in the Victorian Budget 2016/17, this is consistent with the continued return of confidence to the Victorian economy, with more than 112,000 new jobs created since the AndrewsLaborGovernment was elected in November 2014... confidence has returned, with more than 112,000 new jobs created since the Andrews Labor Government was elected.'....
Marathon legend Mebrahtom “Meb” Keflezighi tuned up with a quick mile run around the Capitol in his neon yellow jersey Sunday, followed by a longer jaunt along the American River... On Oct ... “It hurts,” he said ... “Sometimes I have flashbacks and think of family, or as a Christian, I pray.” ... The private nonprofit university’s 30,000 students are on average 33 years old and include several grandparents, said PresidentDavidAndrews....