
Mackay fluoride removal vote sparks calls for government action

A Queensland council slammed for removing fluoride from its water supply says councillors never should have had the power to make the decision in the first place.

Mackay mayor Greg Williamson joined a chorus of calls for the state government to take back control of water fluoridation, hours after voting on Wednesday to remove it.

Mackay's council has voted to remove fluoridation from the city's water supply, joining the more than 20 other ...
Mackay's council has voted to remove fluoridation from the city's water supply, joining the more than 20 other Queensland councils to do so. 

The Australian Medical Association Queensland and the Australian Dental Association both decried the north Queensland council's decision.

"I think it's a very sad decision," AMAQ chairman Dr Shaun Rudd said.

"I think that when you have a known safe way to prevent, especially kids, from … teeth decay, you should go with it."

"If you don't, I think it's a sad day for Mackay."


ADA spokesman Dr Michael Foley said the decision was "dreadful" but blamed successive state governments, not the councillors who were the "victims of a highly coordinated scare campaign from an extremist fringe group".

"This is simply conspiracy theory lunacy and the state government needs to put a stop to it," he said.

The US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists water fluoridation among the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century, a position highlighted by Queensland Health.

Studies repeatedly found the naturally occurring chemical was safe at appropriate doses and provided protection against tooth decay.

Cr Williamson defended the 6-5 vote in favour of joining the growing number of Queensland councils to remove the acclaimed public health measure as "democracy at work".

He said a majority of his community supported the move, a claim backed up by a ReachTEL poll, and despite his individual support maintained he would have voted the other way if public sentiment was clearly opposed.

"This should not be a decision of local government because public health is not our domain and quite clearly fluoridation of the water supply is a public health method," he said.

"And public health is the domain of the state government but of course it got too hot for them a few years ago and they shelved it back to local government."

Labor made water fluoridation mandatory in 2007, before the Liberal National Party gave councils the chance to opt out in 2012.

Fluoridation jumped from 5 per cent of the state to 80 per cent after the 2007 decision but more than 20 councils are now unfluoridated, including Gladstone about five hours south of Mackay, following a recent vote.

The Palaszczuk government previously refused to reintroduce mandatory fluoridation.

Health Minister Cameron Dick said on Wednesday fluoridation was a matter for local government. 

"There are benefits that come from fluoridation, that is clear.

"But we made a position clear as a government at the election that we would allow councils to make that decision for Queenslanders."

Dr Rudd said the Newman government decision was a "failure" and called on Ms Palaszczuk to bring back mandatory fluoridation.

"It's evidence-based. It's safe. There's no reason not to do it, other than misinformation and hysteria," he said.

Opponents claim fluoridation causes everything from cancer to allergies and arthritis but no links have been found to any of these problems.

Dozens of major health organisations worldwide, including the Australian Dental Association and the AMA, support the practice.

A 2007 National Medical and Health Research Council review found no negative health effects from the practice at Australian levels, with a draft paper from a fresh review currently underway coming to a similar result.

It noted an increase in dental fluorosis (slight mottling of the teeth) but also found a 35 per cent decrease in the incidence of cavities in children's teeth.

The information paper's analysis of more than 60 years of scientific research and 3000 studies found fluoride in drinking water didn't lower a person's IQ, cause cancer or any other negative health effects.

Dr Foley said almost all Australian towns and cities of a large enough size were fluoridated, with Queensland a notable exception.

He said no other state gave councils as much power in determining whether or not to add fluoride to their water.

Cr Williamson said fluoride would be gone from the town's water supply about a week after going through a procedure with Queensland Health.