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Until Australia builds a clear picture of initiatives and their outcomes, policymakers and educators will remain hobbled.

Talented students are neglected by our schools

It's a worry that Australians fret so volubly over the fortunes of our sporting elite yet the long, steady decline in the results of our best and brightest young students barely rates a mention.

Clinton faces enduring fear of women in power

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for US president.

The endless conspiracy theories about her having a body double, having dementia, having a terminal illness, wearing a colostomy bag – they are, all of them, theories inspired by a deep-seated fear of women, and particularly older women, having power.

This is how much leading Republicans hate women

Dr Chalmers says the fall in wages and living standards has lead to the rise in politicians such as Donald Trump.

The "war on women" started as a Democratic talking point intended to delegitimise Republican positions on abortion, rape and domestic violence. But over the past couple of days, we haven't even needed a policy debate or a slightly hyperbolic political slogan for a number of Republicans to do a truly impressive job of demonstrating just how much they personally hate women.

In the Herald: September 29, 1974

logo for in the herald

Another art record                                                                                                                                                     

The unacceptable risk to airport security these school holidays

Union strike action is expected to cause delays at international airports on Friday.

Monday saw the start of the Community and Public Sector Union's two weeks of intermittent rolling Border Force strikes at international airports. The random and rolling nature of these half-hour stoppages will dramatically restrict the Border Force executive's capacity to mitigate the impacts of the strike.

We shouldn't turn our backs on the world economy


Remember globalisation? It was big news some years back. Now, however, the leaders of the global economy worry that public opinion is turning against it, pressuring governments to reverse it.

Channel Country: The greatest nature show on Earth

Queensland's Channel Country is a world of colour seen by too few eyes.

In the barely perceptible depressions that make up the Channel Country, nature has come to life in abundance. Weeks of steady rain have flood the plains around the Cooper, stirring life from deep beneath the stony soil, and transforming the landscape.

Party bureaucrat-speak

Liberal Party campaign director Tony Nutt addresses the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra on Thursday.

Just as governments depend upon the public service, political parties depend upon their bureaucrats, party officials, campaign directors and ministerial staffers.

In the Herald: September 28, 1958

The end of jazz                                                                                                                                                            

Have we reached peak secrecy?

This year could well be the low point for open government in Australia since Freedom of Information laws were introduced ...

Without an independent adjudicator, sufficiently resourced to hold government to account, where would we be? Well, right about here actually.