Daily Life


Happy marriages do still exist, don't they?

If my friends Lana and Michael were to split up I would be utterly devastated. They are are one of those tight-knit couples who make me retain my faith in marriage. There are only a handful of them, and they are my touchstone for marriage, the moral centre of my relationship grid. They are couples who seem so compatible, so accepting of each other's flaws and neuroses, so affectionate and loving even after decades of togetherness, that I cannot imagine them ever apart.

"Seem", of course, is the operative word. We never actually know what is happening inside a relationship, a truth eloquently expressed by celebrity breakups. We thought Brad and Ange were the ultimate Hollywood couple, until suddenly, overnight, they became bitter enemies. We thought Naomi and Liev were perfectly content, until they announced their separation after eleven years together.

Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber have announced their separation.
Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber have announced their separation. Photo: Getty

And of course, real life couples are just as unknowable as the celebs, or at least, as unknowable as they choose to be. Most couples don't go to dinner parties and tell their friends about the shocking fight about money they had this morning, or that they haven't had sex for nearly seven months. They don't post pictures of themselves on Facebook looking at each other with contempt, or sleeping with someone behind their partner's back. And so it is often surprising when a couple splits, if you're not a particular confidante of one of the partners.

Still, though many divorces are surprising, and most are sad, not all affect us on a personal level. 

I wasn't especially distressed when my friends Kate and Eric* split; they had seemed hopelessly mismatched from the beginning, and their separation was almost gratifyingly predictable. And of course, many celebrity splits offer the same gratification – Britney and K Fed, for example, and Tom and Katie (the holes in that relationship were big enough to drive a Scientology Centre through), and Johnny Depp and, well, everyone.

But there are couples who seem so perfect together, who so brilliantly emulate my relationship ideals, that I have become invested in their success. These are a handful of friends, like Lana and Michael, and a few celebrity couples who appear to be dazzlingly in love. They are my moral compass in this chaotic world of divorce and Tinder and third and fourth marriages and twice blended families and desperately unhappy partnerships. They are proof that marriage can still last forever.


I need that proof. I need those couples. Since my divorce – actually, since the final years of my unhappy marriage - I need to believe that lasting commitment is still possible. I need to believe that there are couples who are genuinely happy. I need them to succeed, to ward off my cynicism and bitterness.

I don't believe relationships are failures when they end. But I do still fervently want to believe in the fairytale, and to believe in happily ever after for some.

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi keeping the dream alive.
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi keeping the dream alive. Photo: Jason LaVeris

Lana reminds me occasionally that her marriage isn't perfect, and I nod, like I'm listening, but I really don't want to hear it. I can survive my own divorce, and observe the bust-ups of couples around me, as long as her partnership with Michael remains a constant. The solidity of their relationship, and those of a couple of my other friends, allows me to continue to believe in love.

As a postscript: If Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jnr, Ellen and Portia, or Prince William and Kate are reading this, I need your marriages to last forever. 

If you can't do it for yourselves, please, do it for me.


I LABORed toDAY to get this pic (no seriously- it takes work to get @realfreddieprinze to take a pic) #happylaborday

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*not their real names