Sydney households spend an average of $163 a week on groceries

Households in Sydney spend more on groceries than anywhere else in Australia, dropping around $163 at the checkout on average every week.

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More Australians are steering clear of artificial sweeteners, sugary foods and drinks, and fatty meats and dairy products in the supermarket.

And yet almost one in five of those same households will send more than 20 per cent of that food straight to the bin.

The findings come in the latest RaboDirect Financial Health Barometer Food and Farming Report, which revealed that as a nation Australia wastes $10 billion worth of food annually, or more than $1100 per household.

Patrick Sidoti is a Gen Y Australian, who says he would "easily" waste $1000 a year on groceries,
Patrick Sidoti is a Gen Y Australian, who says he would "easily" waste $1000 a year on groceries, Photo: Peter Rae

The report followed a survey of 2300 Australians aged 18-65. Their grocery spending habits revealed that NSW households spend $159 a week, the most of all the states, followed by the ACT and Queensland ($154), Victoria ($149), Western Australia ($146), South Australia ($145) and Tasmania ($136). The Northern Territory was not included.

According to the report, every additional child living in a household costs almost $30 a week to feed, and Generation Y consumers are the biggest food wasters, with more than one-quarter claiming to waste at least 20 per cent of their household food each week.


Twenty-five-year-old Patrick Sidoti said he would "easily" waste more than $1000 a year on food in the Chippendale terrace he shares with his wife and four housemates.

"When I was a student, the idea of one thousand bucks worth of food in the bin would be crazy, that was your summer holiday," said Mr Sidoti, who works from home as a video producer.

One year's worth of food wasted by the average Australian family.
One year's worth of food wasted by the average Australian family. Photo: Sasha Woolley

"It's bad, but now that I have a good income I guess I don't worry about how much money I am wasting. Saying I am wasting a grand in a year doesn't hurt me much, but thinking about the waste of the food itself impacts me."

Apart from shared staples like milk and bread, which are shared by the household, Mr Sidoti and his wife Hannah shop as a couple, spending about $200 a week on groceries.

The Food and Farming Report found Australians commonly lacked a strong knowledge of food production and how their food made it from the farm to their plate.

It revealed that more than half of all Australians knew "hardly anything at all" to "a little bit" about agricultural production, while just 3 per cent could correctly estimate the amount of water required to produce an average meat meal for one person - around 700 litres.

"This underlines a key challenge within Australia, where we have this great urban-rural divide," said Glenn Wealands, head of market research for Rabobank Australia and New Zealand.

He said the findings about Generation Y consumers were in contrast to the usual financial traits associated with the age group.

"Gen Y actually exhibit the best savings behaviours. But when it comes to the issue of food consumption and waste, it seems to drop off their radar."

Jenni Downes, a research consultant at the UTS Institute of Sustainable Futures has studied food, consumption and waste for more than three years.

In that time, one thing has remained clear: "What we know about food waste is actually very little, because very little consistent official data is collected."

"Every council has its own methodology for understanding what goes in household bins. There are standards but they are state based."

She said Australia was yet to push for a consistent method like the European Union, which just produced a uniform methodology for measuring food waste.

"You can't manage what you can't measure. Knowing the scale of the problem might drive more action. It could also help focus efforts at places with the biggest problems.