
Wrong? Channel 10's The Wrong Girl got it all right

Apart from the occasional crime against common sense, there's much to love in The Wrong Girl.


New series ★★★☆
Wednesday 8.30pm, Ten

Like the novel on which it's based, The Wrong Girl is pure, unashamed chick lit. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Tens of millions of women all over the world – and a few blokes – adore tales of loveable twentysomethings grappling with workplace challenges and personal insecurities while acquiring Mr Right. And the good stuff in the genre also provides a framework for some pretty sharp social observations – as Ms Austen knew only too well.

The Wrong Girl: does something silly.
The Wrong Girl: does something silly. 

They do, though, often come with some structural limitations, and The Wrong Girl isn't immune. Inevitably, our heroine – even when she's otherwise admirably competent in her working life – does something egregiously silly in order to trigger some kind of office meltdown. Similarly, it seems essential that an otherwise rational young woman behaves in a completely irrational and hyper-emotional way, which then facilitates the necessary falling-out with the bloke it's bleedingly obvious she'll end up with.

In this first episode, The Wrong Girl totally goes there, producing a couple of eye-rolling moments. The good news is, there's an awful lot more going on in this polished production that makes it easy to forgive the occasional crime against common sense. For a start, let's celebrate having Rob Collins (Cleverman) as (possibly) The Right Guy. Wickedly handsome and with loads of X-factor, he's not only perfect as a (potential) romantic lead, he plays to perfection the part of the cool-yet-grounded young chef, Jack Winters.

Also very good is Iain Meadows as Pete, the other (potential) romantic lead. In fact, one of the really enjoyable things here is that the (possible) love interests are not two-dimensional fantasies. They both feel like actual, flawed human beings – very different, very appealing in their own way.

That's a credit to both Zoe Foster (who wrote the book) and Judi McCrossin (who wrote the script) – as is the big and beautifully drawn supporting cast that really give the story depth and breadth. Madeleine West and Craig McLachlan are terrific as the hosts of the breakfast show on which Jessica Marais' Lily works – in this first ep neither have a lot of screen time but my goodness they make the most of it. David Woods, a gentleman with a long and celebrated career in theatre, very nearly steals the show as the news producer. I want him to be in every second scene.

Kerry Armstrong as Lily's mum is another brilliant piece of casting. They are completely believable as mother and daughter and Armstrong's performance is really nicely judged. In fact, you could work your way through the entire cast list and be cheering at every stop. Which is all of a piece with the thorough behind-the-scenes work that has gone on here. There's a wonderful attention to detail and a determination to surprise us, despite the broadly predictable outline of the plot.

Just setting the action is Melbourne's inner west is a clever and unexpected move. Unlike the other suburbs that ring the CBD, the west is very much in a state of transition and in the space of a few of blocks you would very likely find Lily's funky/grungy share house; her mother's handsome family home; Pete and his dad's humble brick veneer; and the edgy cafe in which Pete works. As Fitzroy has for Offspring, Yarraville looks set to become its own quirky character as the action develops.  So we forgive The Wrong Girl's occasional wrong steps and instead give ourselves over to everything it gets right – including the wonderful WT…? moment that closes out this ep.