Shareholders reject AGL boss' mega-million pay cheque

Utilities provider AGL has told its shareholders that it trains its army of phone operators both to sell electricity and gas as well as assess customers for signs of domestic abuse. Call centre staff are taught to look for key phrases while talking to customers to provide clues to whether they are victims of this kind of  violence.

This portrayal of a holistic company with a eye to more than just profit was delivered by its chief executive Andy Vesey to the hundreds of shareholders that had assembled for the company's annual meeting and who were expecting to hear about its profit prospects.

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Vesey spoke to a wide-eyed audience telling them that  a sizeable portion of customers that get behind in their utility payments are victims of domestic violence – an issue that he said touches one out of four people in Australia.

Vesey, who sounded more like a motivational speaker than a traditional chief executive, started his address to shareholders talking about the importance of employee health and safety and the importance to innovation of a focus on diversity – be it gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. He warned that others dubbed these issues "soft" but that he didn't.

AGL CEO Andy Vesey (right) and Chairman Jerry Maycock.
AGL CEO Andy Vesey (right) and Chairman Jerry Maycock. Photo: Edwina Pickles

Indeed Vesey's near $7 million remuneration package in 2016 was based on being measured  against many of these so-called soft targets.

But some shareholders railed against what they considered the easiness of meeting these hurdles which they believe is due to the fact they are not sufficiently focused on hard quantitative financial measures like total shareholder returns or returns on investment or even just statutory profit.


At Wednesday's meeting more than a third of the shares were voted against the company's remuneration report delivering the company which is known as a "strike". Two of these provide a trigger for a board spill.

On a statutory basis AGL lost more than $400 million in 2016 even though on an underlying basis its profit was solid at around $700 million.

Vesey's passionate talk about digital transformation and renewables did not distract those that had come to protest ...
Vesey's passionate talk about digital transformation and renewables did not distract those that had come to protest about coal-fired power generation. Photo: Christopher Pearce

The shareholders had already been advised  by expert proxy adviser ISS that they should vote against AGL's remuneration report on the basis that  Vesey's base pay is well above his peers in the utility sector and that he and other executives were awarded pay rises that were not consistent with market conditions or general salary inflation of 2 per cent.

Poor disclosure of performance hurdles and outcomes has created difficulty to assess and justify the increased short-term incentive payments in the 2016 financial year, which are close to maximum payout levels.

ISS noted a high weighting (65 per cent) of the short-term incentive scorecard was attributed to non-financial measures, including "team effectiveness", "individual effectiveness" and "strategic effectiveness", which does not offer sufficient transparency, is not sufficiently "at-risk" of not being achieved (where the CEO achieved 84 per cent), and are considered to form part of an executive's job for which substantial fixed remuneration is received.

The shareholder vote was described by the chairman, Jerry Maycock, as disappointing given the board's view that the chief executive had achieved a total return to shareholders of 22 per cent.

AGL also announced some shareholder goodies at Wednesday's AGM which included a forecast for a significantly improved profit from the $701 million in 2016 to between $720 million and $800 million in 2017, an increase in the dividend payout ratio and a near $600 million share buyback. The good news troika pushed AGL's share price up 5 per cent immediately.

This improvement in forecast profit this year comes despite previously disclosed challenges it faced in 2017 including the strangely mild weather in July and August and the anticipated reduction in gas portfolio earnings before interest and tax of at least $100 million compared with 2016.

But even if shareholders are more satisfied with the 2017 profit and even if there are clearer metrics and better transparency around short and long-term bonuses, the company will still face a broader wave of disenchantment that listed companies too often overpay management and are finding new and innovative ways to justify it.

There is a growing view among shareholders that management are being rewarded in bonuses for ingredients like customer satisfaction and workplace safety and diversity which should be considered part of their job.

Meanwhile Vesey's passionate talk about digital transformation and renewables did not distract those that had come to protest about coal-fired power generation.